FREETOWN, Sierra Leone postal history arrival dated A/JA 3 94 on USA 5c PSE posted New York DEC 5 93, reverse red Liverpool L transit for DE 14 1893. £28
JIMMI BAGBO, Sierra Leone skeleton postmark (056.02) 8 DE 54 on KG6 1½d (SG.190a). £24
POA 44, Natal postal history on full cover, b/stamped Greytown JU 5 00 cds and Pietermaritzburg 6 JU 1900 d/ring. £75
POA 2, Natal postal history on full cover, b/stamped Dundee AU 24 02 arrival, slight soiling, opened 2 sides. £65
SUMBUYA, Sierra Leone postal history (147.01) on full KGV 1d PSE (opened 3 sides) dated A/JA 23 13 to The Royal Silk Warehouse, Macclesfield. £40
TRAVELLING POST OFFICE FREETOWN - BO, Sierra Leone postal history (202.01) on full KGV 1d PSE dated 24 DE 1917 with "Passed by Censor", small piece at top lost during opening. £325
CALLIAQUA, St. Vincent postal history on full cover dated */30 JY 55. £30
401 used GENADENDAL, Cape of Good Hope postal history used on full QV 4d PSE dated A/JA 6 96. £50
457 (used BOWDEN), Cape of Good Hope postal history on full 2½d cover to New York dated 29 DE 93. £60
822 used ROSEBANK, Cape of Good Hope postal history on full cover dated G/SP 15 99. £48
202 used BEAUFORT, Cape of Good Hope postal history on full cover (opened three sides) with selotape across flap with fine BEAUFORT DE 16 1874 (DTO) alongside. £55
145 used QUEENS TOWN, Cape of Good Hope postal history on full 6d rated cover dated JY 19 86. £45
822 used ROSEBANK, Cape of Good Hope postal history dated B/SP 30 92 on Post Card, some peripheral stains. £36
SERABU, Sierra Leone postmark (144.03) 26 JY 52 on KG6 1½d (SG.190a). £9