2 used DURBAN, Natal postmark/cancel on broken vertical pin 1870 QV Chalon 1d bright red (SG.60). £24
A01 used KINGSTON, Jamaica postmark/cancel on vertical pair 1860 QV 1d blue (SG.1a) with DOUBLE PERFORATIONS, small imperfections but extremely rare as such. £100
BRITISH GUIANA stamps: 1860-63 24c green, a corner marginal horiz. strip of four pmk'd forgeries showing DOUBLE PERFORATIONS along top, all stamps affected by diagonal crease. £60
ST. KITTS-NEVIS stamps: 1922 KGV 2d slate (SG.41), u/m corner marginal Plate 1 showing perforation variety due corner paper fold, unusual. £48
B64 used Seychelles postmark on Mauritius stamp (with variety) on QV 17c rose CC wmk (SG.Z50) showing broken vertical pin variety. Possibly unique. This same vertical broken pin variety found on printings of 1879 Mauritius QV 4c orange (SG.93) and 1882 St. Vincent QV 1d drab (SG.39). £140
VIRGIN ISLANDS stamps: VERTICAL DOUBLE PERFORATIONS on pair 1887-89 1d rose CA (SG.34), fresh m.m. £120