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PARCEL-POST, Grenada postmark/cancel
JU 8 03 on KE7 3d (SG.61).

PARCEL POST BAHAMAS postmark/cancel
(Proud unrecorded, BAHAMAS in smaller letters, 25mm) poorly struck but dated 28 NO 29 on 1924 3/- Staircase Mult. Script CA wmk (SG.114, Cat.£70) clear of "double treetrunk" variety, fine used.

PARCELS PORT ELIZABETH, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel
(CDS) SP 24 10 on pair KE7 3d (SG.74).

PARCELS PORT ELIZABETH, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel
(CDS) OC 1 10 on block of four KE7 1/- yellow-ochre (SG.77), some toning.

PARCELS P.M. BURG, Natal postmark/cancel
(M.2) NO 26 07 on KE7 1d MCA wmk (SG.148).

PARCELS OFFICE CAPE TOWN, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel
(CDS) OC 16 94 on 5/- (SG.54).

PARCEL POST, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
(PML.79) currently the only recorded example in red ink part dated C/-U 11 96 on QV ½d green (SG.47).

PARCEL POST, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
(PML.79) dated C/JU 17 95 on QV 6d dull purple (SG.57).

PARCEL POST, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
(PML.80) dated C/NO 27 09(?) on KE7 1/- (SG.91, Cat.£50).

PARCEL POST, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
(PML.80) dated C/AU 14 03 ("03" inverted) on KE7 1/- (SG.82, Cat.£65), colour washed with facial toning.

PARCEL POST, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
small part strike part dated C/OC on 2d Arms (SG.96).

PARCEL POST, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
Newly discovered and previously unrecorded 24mm cds with "B" code dated B/25 JU 26 on KGV 6d, 1/- (SG.115,138) piece.

PARCELS POST NASSAU, Bahamas postmark/cancel
(PP7) dated 8 DEC 51 on block of four KG6 3/- (SG.132b).

PM used PIETERMARITZBURG, Natal postmark/cancel
on KE7 4d MCA wmk (SG.152), light creasing.

DN used DURBAN, Natal postmark/cancel
on KE7 1d MCA wmk (SG.148b).

DN used DURBAN, Natal postmark/cancel
interprovincial use on Cape of Good Hope KE7 ½d (SG.70).

DN used DURBAN, Natal postmark/cancel
on KE7 ½d MCA wmk (SG.146).

LARNACA, Cyprus postmark/cancel
(Type 11, parcel) on 1893 QV 12pi orange-brown Crown CA wmk (SG.37, Cat.£450).

LARNACA, Cyprus postmark/cancel
(Type 11, parcel) on 1894 QV 6pi olive-grey Crown CA wmk (SG.36, Cat.£750), light reverse corner stain.

PARCEL POST NASSAU, Bahamas postmark
(PP5) 12 JY 29 (ERD) on 2/- Staircase (SG.113, Cat.£22).
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