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KINGSTON, JAMAICA - to Robertson Gladstone, brother of the future British Prime Minister.
1841 lengthy and newsy 4 page entire from Archibald Kelso to Robertson Gladstone, Liverpool rated 1/- unpaid (quarter ounce rate JA 1 1840 to DE 31 1841) with KINGSTON, JAMAICA dbl-arc dated JY 29 1841, contents include "I have since received yours of the 15th alto announcing the result of Sir R. Peel's motion of a want of confidence. I am glad to observe that the Conservatives will return an overwhelming majority of members for the next Parliament. Your Brother...."
The 1841 United Kingdom general election, was held between 29 June and 22 July 1841 to elect the new Parliament of the United Kingdom. In this election, there was a large swing as Sir Robert Peel's Conservatives took control of the House of Commons. Melbourne's Whigs had seen their support in the Commons erode over the previous years. Whilst Melbourne enjoyed the firm support of the young Queen Victoria, his ministry had seen increasing defeats in the Commons, culminating in the defeat of the government's budget in May 1841 by 36 votes, and by 1 vote in a 4 June 1841 vote of no confidence put forward by Peel. According to precedent, Melbourne's defeat required his resignation.

TRINIDAD (RANDOLPH RUST, pioneer of the Oil Industry) via BARBADOS to NOVA SCOTIA
THE ONLY RECORDED TRINIDAD COVER QV PERIOD TAKEN TO BARBADOS FOR ONWARD TRANSMISSION - 1892 cover with purple RANDOLPH RUST/PORT OF SPAIN/TRINIDAD W.I./COMMISSION AGENT sender cachet (not previously seen) taken to Barbados with QV ½d dull green tied open bootheel duplex dated A/DE 31 92 addressed Halifax, Nova Scotia.

WILL'S CIGARETTES card, British Honduras
Arms of the British Empire No.25 card with multicoloured Arms being described in printed detail on reverse.
(In STAMPS section for convenience)

PUNTA GORDA, stated to be from Mitchell Hedges (regarded by many as the real "Indiana Jones")
1926 cover to Sydenham, England with KGV 2c pair tied PUNTA GORDA AP 24 26, marked at base in ink "From Mitchell Hedges, the explorer", opening fault top right corner.
Michael Hedges (1882-1959) is best noted for having discovered what is termed "The Crystal Skull of Doom" at the Maya ruins of Lubaantun in 1927. In 2008 Paramount Pictures released the film "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull".

Mail to the former ACTING GOVERNOR of BRITISH EAST FLORIDA (1763-84) from educated negro slave
Entire from Nassau, Bahamas June 22nd 1795 to John Moultrie, London with salutation “My Dear Master” and “deliver’d by Doctor Bailey who was on your plantation since we left St. Augustine” and “my kind love to Mistress Sally” signed "Your ever faithfull servant Quamino”. Moultrie was a planter who moved his 200 slaves from South Carolina to St. Augustine in 1771 having been appointed acting lieutenant governor. When England handed over Florida to Spain in July 1784 Moultrie sailed to England and lived at Aston Hall, Shropshire.

RMSPCo “PARA” (Colombian War of a Thousand Days, Spanish La Guerra De Los Mil Dias 1899-1903)
Colombia 10c rate cover pmk’d Cartagena FEB 20 1900 with purple handstruck "PARA" mailboat arriving Weymouth MR 15 1900. (Civil War between Liberals and mainly Conservative Government that resulted in between 60,000 and 130,000 deaths, extensive property damage and national economic ruin. The Liberal party represented the coffee plantation owners and import-export merchants, and due a drastic downturn in the international price of coffee many growers were operating at a loss by 1899. The Conservatives, suffering from reduced customs revenues, responded by issuing unbacked paper currency, causing the value of the peso to drop precipitously and war broke out, the first phase, lasting about seven months, ended with defeat of the Liberal forces at Palonegro on 25 May 25 1900. During the next two years guerrilla-style warfare raged in the rural areas being finally ended by the Conservatives offering amnesty and political reform on 12 June 1902). Michael Rego research shows that RMSP had no Atlantic main line packet link to South America and German vessels filled the gap from 1897 to 1914. The HAPAG monthly route during this period was Hamburg, St. Thomas, Trinidad, La Guaira, St. Thomas, La Havre, Hamburg. HAPAG ship Valdivia sailed from Colombia, Venezuela, Curacao for St. Thomas and landed there 1 March 1900. The mail from Venezuela for the UK was probably landed at Trinidad and transferred to Barbados for connection with RMS Para. The RMS Para left Southampton on a fortnightly service on JA 24 1900, landed Barbados FE 4 1900 for Jacmel, back to Barbados, Plymouth MR 15 1900. (In 1900 the RMSP no longer called at Colombia, Venezuela or St. Thomas, but stuck to a short time-table with main ports).

BAHAMAS postal history
1871 cover and newsy 8-page letter headed "St. Mary's Parsonage, Nassau October 14th 1871" to The Reverend Herbert Todd, Derry Downs, St. Mary Cray with QV 1/- green P.12½ (SG.38) tied "A05" with red PAID LIVERPOOL U.S. PACKET 1 NO 71/3A alongside, reverse BAHAMAS OC 16 1871 dbl-arc, Chislehurst and St. Mary's Cray NO 1 71 arrivals. Adhesive with pulled base perf.
Contents include "In August we had the edge of a hurricane, the full force of which was experienced in Andros, Biminis and Grand Bahama. Whole settlements are utterly ruined and many ships are lost. We had terrible weather here at the time, but people battened up early and so not much damage was done. Altogether we have had a terribly hot and tempestuous summer, with thunder storms sent as have never been known for 15 years".

1983 cover marked “Juanito Boat” from Martha Hernandez, Roaring Creek, Cayo District with QE2 15c pmk’d ROARING CREEK JU 3 83 d/ring to the B.E.C. Shipping Dept., Belize City.
The “Juanito” hauled a thousand logs at a time from Orange Walk to the Belize Estate Company sawmills and lumber yards in Belize City. Logs were sent to Orange Walk from Hill Bank where they had been delivered by train from Gallon Jug.

STANN CREEK, British Honduras to GOLD COAST
1955 mixed reign airmail cover with 72c franking pmk'd STANN CREEK 25 OC 55 to Kumasi, Gold Coast showing 4 NO 55 arrival, handstruck UNCLAIMED.
Enclosed letter mentions "Corozal one of the northern towns was completely destroyed by Janet".

"Grace Worthington" (immigrant ship), British Honduras postal history
1867 entire headed "Belise Jany 10 1866" (sic) from B. Cramer to New York marked p. "Grace Worthington" showing handstruck "SHIP6" and NEWPORT FEB 5 67 landing, docketing dated 1867.
Contents include "your favor of 15 August which only came to hand a short time ago, the Cleaver having been detained at the Bahamas on Account of an Accident she met with during the Gale in August last.".... and "With regard to your remarks about the short comings of the Editor of the "Colonist" nothing can be done, the paper not being issued any longer, as the Editor and Proprietor is supposed to have fallen in a late engagement with the Indians."

TITCHFIELD (two differing dates showing flexibility of handstamp), Jamaica postal history
1903 cover from The University of Chicago with 5c franking pmk'd Chicago APR 5 1903 to Prof. D.S. Johnson PhD, Chester Vale, Gordon Town, Jamaica variously forwarded with twelve differing backstamps including purple boxed TITCHFIELD (TRD 11) for both 16.4.03 and 17.4.03 (showing movement of "J" under "TC"), cover with corner fault.
William Fawcett was the Director of Public Gardens and Plantations in Jamaica from 1887 to 1908, and having returned to Britain was the co-author of the first volumes of Flora of Jamaica.

A67 used PORT ROYAL, Jamaica postal history
1883 commercial reg. cover (opened top and right side) with SUNBEAM crested crown printed flap to Fraser, Manager of The La Guayra and Caracas Railway, Caracas, Venezuela with horiz. strip pf six QV 2d deep rose CC wmk (SG.9a) neatly pmk'd "A67" obliterators with PORT-ROYAL A/NO 12 83 backstamp, alongside address panel both Jamaica and St. Thomas registration handstamps and French Messageries Maritime line paquebot d/ring.
The Venezuelan capital, Caracas, is situated seven miles from the Caribbean sea, but lies at an altitude of 3,000 feet. Surveys for a rail line from La Guaira began in 1867 and British and U.S. engineers disputed the route and financing for 14 years. An English group finally secured a contract in 1881, registered La Guaira and Caracas Railway Company in London, and began construction of a 23 mile line that involved neither cables, switchbacks nor rack, It ordered eight locomotives from Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. in Manchester and an assortment of passenger and freight cars, The line began carrying passengers in July 1883.

Boer War Irreconcilable F.C. LAUNSPACH (carved wooden serviette ring fame), Bermuda postal history
1902 cover to F.C. Launspach, Burts Island, Bermuda with 2 x Transvaal 1d ovp'd "E.R.I." tied BRAAMFONTEIN, B.O. JOHANNESBURG 4 FEB 1902 9.30am and b/stamped JOHANNESBURG 4 FEB 1902 10.30am where PASSED PRESS CENSOR worn handstamp applied to face, on arrival b/stamped HAMILTON MR 15 1902/C with "Not Darrells" and directed "Hawkins" in red manuscript, the cover opened left edge and at top leaving tears through flap. Very few Bermuda Boer War POW covers can be matched to actual events.
F.C. Launspach is listed as one of the prominent personalities amongst the Boer War prisoners detained at Bermuda, and as an irreconcilable was one of the last to leave on 20 August 1904 bound for the United States. Many of the prisoners occupied themselves by making handcraft which were sold in many of the stores in Bermuda. The POWs on Burts Island eventually formed the Industrial Association for Carvings and Curios, and some of these items are preserved in the South African National Museum of Military History including a wooden serviette ring with carved name F C Launspach (see photo of similar type serviette rings).

A Fashionable Wedding, Leeward Islands (Antigua) postal history
B/w ppc written "Buxton Grove Dec 21 1911" to Nazareth, Pennsylvania, USA with Leeward Islands KE7 1d tied small portion OFFICIAL PAID, ANTIGUA cds dated (DE) 21 11.
Part of sender's text reads "Can you find the Rev. J.A. Sergeant on the picture? It's a Greenbay wedding".

SOUTH AUSTRALIA postal history
1867 cover to the wife of the South Australian banker and politician Samuel Tomkinson at their home on Mount Lofty with QV 2d bright vermilion roulette (SG.26) pmk'd Adelaide 4/JA 23 67 with light same day Crafers backstamp.

The GHOSTS of POINT ELLICE HOUSE, the most haunted house on VANCOUVER ISLAND
1898 cover to Mrs (Caroline Agnes) O'Reilly (1831-1899, thought to appear as an apparition in the grounds of her house) at Point Ellice, Victoria, Vancouver Island pmk'd KINGSTON AU 10 98 and then mysteriously spirited some 4,432 miles to DUBLIN (AU 24 98, husband Peter originated from Ballybeg, Co. Meath, only 45 miles from Dublin) before travelling a further 4,502 miles to VICTORIA, B.C. PM/SP 6 98 per b/stamp) with I/SP 7 98 and "10" cents tax due handstamp added the next day, some soiling.
Husband Peter, former Indian Reserve Commissioner, is the subject of supernatural investigations at the house which went live on a YouTube video October 31 2020. Visitors and volunteers have had spooky encounters with lights switching on and off, a piano playing on its own, and apparitions chasing them away. In later years "a nice young lady in a blue dress" had shown visitors around the house giving many previously unknown facts, when questioned they went back inside the house and pointed to a blue gown lying across a bed, "that's the one she was wearing" in daughter Kathleen O'Reilly's bedroom. Kathleen had returned! For many years the whereabouts of the grave of Caroline Agnes was a mystery, but in her final year, being so ill, she made a last visit to her family in England, dying only a few days after arrival. Her remains lie in the cemetery at Cheriton, Folkestone (only 2.1 miles down the road, a 39 minute walk, from me!).

Massive 27mm LONG PLATE SCRATCH on QV 12½c black, Nova Scotia postal history
1866 cover with colourless embossed "R.T. MUIR, 125 GRANVILLE ST." envelope manufacturer name under flap to the Inner Temple, London with QV 12½c black/yellowish paper showing massive 27mm long vertical plate scratch at left tied oval grid with red London Paid 12 FE 66 arrival alongside, reverse partial WOLFVILLE N.S. JA 27 1866 and oval H/JA 30 1866/N.S. Halifax transit.
British packet mail carried by British Steamer Cunard Line "Asia".

1937 commercial cover with purple ELIAS GEORGE, The NEW LEBANON STORE, Roseau sender's cachet on flap to Kettering, Northants with KGV 1½d pmk'd Roseau */10 JU 37.

Nebik, SYRIA to ST. CROIX postal history
1945 cover to Fru Lawaetz, Lille La Grange, Fredericksted, St. Croix , The Virgin Islands, USA with Syria 25c Aircraft and 25c Army Fund stamp pmk'd NEBIK 16.3.45, printed CONTROLE label and F. Sivertsen sender name on reverse.
The Lawaetz family migrated from Denmark in 1890. The Little La Grange Farm was established in 2015 to operate as a working organic farm and St. Croix's Lawaetz Museum.

PRESTWICK AIR CRASH, Bahamas postal history
1954 charred and grimy commercial cover to Kenneth Mackintosh, Nassau from Williamson's Linoleum store posted with red Lancaster & Morecambe meter machine for 1/3d dated 22 X11 54, three days later boxed purple "SALVAGED MAIL/AIRCRAFT CRASH/ PRESTWICK 25-12-54" cachet applied, intact Williamson & Son Statement of Account to the Community Furniture Store for goods received.
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