ST. LUCIA postal history 1946 St. Lucia Philatelic Society First Exhibition unaddressed cover with KG6 ½d pmk'd Castries 10 FE 46 d/ring. £24
BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION label to CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, British Guiana postal history 1925 reg. cover with full letter from W.A. Husbands on Victory Philatelic Society letterhead paper to Queenstown, Cape Province, South Africa with KGV 1c x 2, 2c x 2, 2c War Tax, 5c lightly pmk'd Registration */14 JY 25 cds, reverse with BRITISH EMPIRE EXHIBITION label tied QUEENSTOWN R.L.S. 14 AUG 25 d/ring. The label is perforated both vertical sides and shows broken top to "H" in "BRITISH". £825