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BAHAMAS postal history
H.M. FORCES OVERSEAS (Duty free for gifts sent to the United Kingdom) affixed large wrapper from R.A.F Nassau dated June 9/43, Opened By Examiner 7693.

CAY CAULKER, British Honduras postal hisory
(SC-1a) C/1 JY 29, five poor/one fine cds tying block of four KGV 5c on J M’Michael reg. cover to Renfrewshire, affixed over right edge and mainly reverse "BRITISH HONDURAS POST OFFICE Received open or torn and officially sealed" label pmk’d REGISTRATION 6 JY 29, soiled with cover fault top right.

full cover pmk'd 30 AP 79. Found opened or damaged tape

INAGUA, Bahamas postal history
1903 use of KE7 1d UPU Post Card with full German text headed "17.9.03" pmk'd INAGUA SP 18 without year to Lubeck, Germany re-directed to Charlottenberg with handstamped and 14.10.03 pmk'd label affixed which translates "Not determined, confirmed P.A.I. Charlottenburg" and "Work of reference, recognised" (Nachschlagewerke eingesehen), unusual.

PARCEL POST label, BRITISH HONDURAS postal history
1953 large piece painted with gum to which block of four plus single KG6 5c, and single KG6 $2.00 affixed pmk'd Belize 24 AP 53 alongside tied PARCEL POST form (140-51-P-41) No. 28808.

CHAPLAINS OFFICE 2 BLACK WATCH, British Guiana postal history
1955 unused OHMS foolscap cover with OHMS label added pmk'd F.P.O.955 cds dated */9 MY 55 with handstruck purple cachet CERTIFIED OFFICIAL/9 MAY 1955/CHAPLAINS OFFICE/2 BLACK WATCH to The Chief Staff Chaplain, Berkeley Square, London.
T+H handbook Pages 246-247 record use for the F.P.O. 955 cds for period OC 23 53 to JY 10 54

LATE, Sierra Leone postmark
(710.01, 17x5mm) on QV 2½d CA wmk (SG.31) lightly dated SP 19 91.