ANUM, Gold Coast postal history 1903 use of QV 1d PSE with added strip of three KE7 ½d to Dayton, Ohio, USA pmk'd four attractive strikes ANUM (T.5) cds dated DE 22 3, b/stamped Accra JA 1 1904 and Dayton JA 29 04. Very rare office and exhibition item. £1200
STANN CREEK, British Honduras to GOLD COAST 1955 mixed reign airmail cover with 72c franking pmk'd STANN CREEK 25 OC 55 to Kumasi, Gold Coast showing 4 NO 55 arrival, handstruck UNCLAIMED. Enclosed letter mentions "Corozal one of the northern towns was completely destroyed by Janet". £75
DUNDEE, Natal d/ring oval TRD dated 17 AUG 1903 on reverse full QV 4d PSRE with added KE7 stamps to London, soiled. £65
JEBU ODE, Southern Nigeria MIXED REIGN and MIXED COUNTRIES piece (T.6a) dated 31 DE 11 on KE7 1d (SG.34) and Great Britain KGV ½d piece. £20
TWO DIFFERENT REIGNS, THREE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, Jamaica postal history to Sicily 1936 cover to Eastbourne College, England with Jamaica KGV 1½d chocolate pmk'd Mandeville AP 12 37 d/ring. On arrival in Eastbourne, Sussex forwarded to Taormina, Sicily with pair contemporary GB KE7 ½d green pmk'd 27 APR 1937 with 25c green Postage Due tied 1-5 37. The KG6 issues not released until 10 May 1937. £120
BERMUDA postal history 1957 unusual combination GB KG6 2/6d, GB QE2 6d ovp'd "TANGIER" on reg. cover to Belmont Manor Hotel, Warwick pmk'd Streatham B.O. S.W.16 cds dated */26 MR 57. £32
Bus drivers on strike!, BERMUDA to India postal history 1955 (AU 15) use of KG6 6d Air Letter up-rated with mixed reign QE2 3d for Kurla, Bombay, India, newsy full letter mentioning bus drivers on strike for second time in two months for 7/- and hour. £75
FREETOWN QUAY, Sierra Leone postal history (035.81) */29 OC 54 on KG6 3d added QE2 4d red-brown PSRE to Leicester. £16
WEMYSS BIGHT, Bahamas postmark (T.7 III, D5) 16 OCT 63 on mixed reign KG6 3d, QE2 2d (SG.154ab,204a) piece, reverse marked "Ex Coasby". This cancel not normally found on KG6 issues £16
B O., Sierra Leone postal history (016.05) */23 MY 56 on mixed reign KG6 1/3d, QE2 4d, 6d reg. "Express Delivery" cover to London. 1/3d airmail postage, 4d reg. fee, 6d Express Delivery fee £40