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Subject: Skeleton postmarks Clear

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MALVERN skeleton, Natal
dated FE 16 06 on full cover, Forfar MR 11 06 backstamp.

CADEK, Malacca skeleton postmark/cancel
18 OC 62/* on 2c orange (SG.51) piece.

SEROWE, Bechuanaland postmark/cancel
Newly discovered skeleton type relief datestamp for FE 7 1922 on GB ovp'd KGV 2d (SG.76a).

CANTERBURY MONTEGO BAY skeleton postmark, Jamaica postal history
(D1) dated */28 JA 58 tying QE2 1d on local cover to Mandeville.

REGISTERED AIR LETTER, British Guiana postal history
1966 use of Formular Air Letter to Lorain, Ohio with EXPRESS handstamps deleted and 6 x QE2 5c tied REG. BRANCH 5 JA 66 skeleton, contents from M. Hakim, Lacytown offering European stamps.

NIBONG TRBAL MPO, Malaya (Penang) postmark/cancel
skeleton cds dated 10 SP 63 on Penang 8c (SG.59) piece with reg. label.

NACHINGWEA, Tanganyika skeleton postmark/cancel
(D1) 7 FE 51 on KUT KG6 20c.

KHTM ER ROSEIRES TPO, Sudan postmark/cancel
(D1) skeleton dated 3 JA 57 on 5mms (SG.127) piece.

SABIWA, Southern Rhodesia postmark/cancel
(D1 skeleton) dated A/JU 8 03 on horiz. pair ½d Arms (SG.66) fragment.

HILTON ROAD, Natal skeleton postmark/cancel
(N) dated FE 3 09A on KE7 1d (SG.147).

MBABANE, Swaziland skeleton postmark/cancel
(D14) MY 12 1937 on KG6 1d Coronation (SG.25).

REGISTERED AIR LETTER, British Guiana postal history
1962 use of illustrated Formula Air Letter to Mayfair Stamps, Pennsylvania with QE2 5c, 24c pmk'd skeleton GPO REG BRANCH (with inverted letters) with reg. label and arrivals, contents being offers of large quantities of stamps by parcels.

WALKERSWOOD, Jamaica skeleton postmark/cancel
(P13, CDS) dated DE 7 1891 on QV 1d (SG.27).

MOKHOTLONG, Basutoland skeleton postmark
(D2 State 1 relief) dated JY 3 1931 (year in full) on re-united hinged together South Africa 1d pair.

MAFETENGBASUTOLD, Basutoland skeleton postmark
(D11 State 2) JA 13 1936 on KGV ½d (SG.1).

LERIBE, Basutoland skeleton postmark
(D11) 23 JA 34 on KGV 1d (SG.2).

MYRTLE BANK, Jamaica skeleton postmark
dated AU 22 57 on QE2 4d, 1/6d piece.

BABANANGO, Natal skeleton postmark
dated SP 30 07 on KE7 ½d (SG.146).

GERIHUN skeleton "top line with day", postmarks
(045.02) near complete KG6 month group showing days 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 28 (23 stamps).
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