GRACE BANK VILLAGE, Belize full no text unaddressed Post Card with undated purple TRD £10
G.R. ANAYIA, Cyprus postmark in purple on QE2 2m piece. £4
FOX TOWN, Bahamas postal history full local cover with purple TRD dated JAN 6 1958. £32
VIRGIN ISLANDS to TRANSVAAL postal history 1921 reg. cover from The Tortola Drug Store to Langlaagte, Transvaal with KGV ½d, 1d x 3, 2½d (6d rate) pmk'd purple ink TORTOLA A/JA 5 21 d/rings with matching ink ROAD TOWN registration etiquette h/stamped numeral "10", b/stamped Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas JAN 9 1921 and New York 1-17 1921 transits, unevenly opened at right but a wonderful destination cover. £240
WEST BAY, Cayman Islands postal history 1913 part cover front with KGV 4d tied purple ink WEST BAY d/ring JY 2 1913 with same date Georgetown d/ring alongside. £150
GALES POINT, British Honduras postmark purplish TRD dated SEP 2 1951 on Plate 1 University pair with reg. etiquette on piece. £8
AIR MAIL, NASSAU, BAHAMAS in purple on full cover with six QE2 1d (two on reverse) pmk'd MAR 19 1959 to Texas, USA. £18
CAYE CAULKER, British Honduras full cover with purple TRD dated SEP 3 1951. £6
RIVERSDALE, British Honduras Large part cover (sender address excised) to Chicago with purple RIVERSDALE (TRD) dated DEC 31 1919. £48
FRANCE to REPUBLIC HONDURAS missent to the BAHAMAS full cover pmk'd 10-1-1979 £18
STANN CREEK, British Honduras 1944 J/8175 censored cover form the Colonial Medical Officer (flap) to Parcels for the Forces, Rockefeller Plaza, New York with KG6 31c rate pmk'd indistinct purple ink STANN CREEK 25 MR 44. £48
BAHAMAS to POST-WAR AMERICAN OCCUPATION of VIENNA, AUSTRIA 1948 reg. cover with KG6 4d (perf. fault), 6d, 1/- to Vienna with purple ink Austrian "V2" and 706 inspector handstamps. £65
THABA 'NCHU, Orange River Colony full KE7 1d PSE pmk'd 11 DEC 1906 in purple to Bloemfontein. £50
BRITISH HONDURAS full local cover pmk'd Belize City 8 SEP 1972 with purple RETURNED TO WRITER handstamp. £15
JONES PEN, Jamaica full FDC cover pmk'd JU 2 53 to Anten Milles, Ontario with handstruck purple "A.O." (other objects). £20
Ciudad Bolivar, VENEZUELA via TRINIDAD to BARBADOS 1901 use of overprinted "1900" 10c UPU Post Card written "23 Sep 1901 C/Bolivar" underpaid at with purple "T" tax handstamp to Ernesto A Monck at Merry Wing Hall, Worthing, Barbados with Port-of-Spain E/SP 26 1901 transit and Barbados A/SP 29 01 arrival on address panel, central crease, full text. £40
SHIP MAIL NASSAU, Bahamas full underpaid cover dated MAR 30 1961 £20
SHIP MAIL NASSAU, Bahamas full cover dated DEC 21 1951 £20
SHIP MAIL NASSAU, Bahamas full cover dated JAN 10 1952 £24
BANANA BANK, British Honduras full cover pmk'd purple ink JY 18 27, b/stamped Belize £200