PLYMOUTH SHIP LETTER postmark on GOLD COAST stamp arrival dated X/AP 21 on QV 4d (dull pale) mauve CA wmk (SG.18a). £15
SIERRA LEONE postal history 1910 cover with WEST INDIA "2" REGT printed flap to Bexhill on Sea with KE7 1d (SG.100a) tied PLYMOUTH PAQUEBOT JAN2810A machine cancel, part address faded. £35
PLYMOUTH-TO-BRISTOL T.P.O. railway postmark on Barbados stamp (23mm, mid flight dot between L and T) dated JY 13 04 on 1d Seal (SG.107). £18
B16 used PLYMOUTH to BRISTOL T.P.O. postmark on MEXICO stamp on 1879 5c orange ovp'd "379" District number (Sc.125) locally pmk'd DIC 2 1879. £36
PLYMOUTH & BRISTOL S.T., Great Britain railway postmark on Barbados stamp (21mm) SORTING TENDER cds dated JY 27 04 on 1d Seal (SG.107). £28
B16 used PLYMOUTH to BRISTOL T.P.O. on Jamaica stamp on QV 1/- CC wmk (SG.13), some shortish base perfs, oily over-inked cancel. £30