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Wolverhampton to Kellerberrin, Western Australia re-directed Bulawayo, Salisbury, Rhodesia
1924 cover with GB KGV 1½d pmk'd Wolverhampton to Kellerberrin, Western Australia forwarded Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia with boxed "UNCLAIMED/ADVERTISED" and Returned Letter Branch, G.P.O. Salisbury d/ring.
Wolverhampton DE 5 1924, Kellerberrin JA 8 1925, Bulawayo JA 2 and JA 7, Salisbury MY 6 1925.

1911 large part cover to Headly Dalton (or Patton), Kingston, Jamaica with ¼d brown strip of four (one stamp facially damaged) tied two strikes purple boxed "EAST END/Grand Cayman./RURAL/Post Gollection." temporary rubber handstamp with BODDENTOWN JU 28 11 d/ring backstamp. On arrival eventually "ADVERTISED" and "UNCLAIMED." with red RETURNED LETTER OFFICE, JAMAICA d/ring dated 25 SE 11. Full of character, Ex MARSTON, PODGER.

BOOK-POST rate INDIA to JAMAICA postal history
1955 cover pmk'd Calcutta 9 III 55 with previously unrecorded boxed purple RETURN TO SENDER/FROM KINGSTON, JAMAICA handstamp (with "NAMES" instead of "NO POST OFFICE NAMED). Filing punch holes at base, reverse return backstamps of R.L.O. 31 MA 55 and Bare Bazar 16 JNE 1955.

JAMAICA postmarks
KINGSTON I C/SP 26 87 sqc and portion unframed appearance RETURNED/LETTER BRANCH/(date) on QV 4d (SG.22b).

RETURNED FOR/POSTAL ADDRESS, Jamaica postal history
(Proud Type 173, ERD) on QV ½d Reply Post Card (reverse blank) pmk'd KINGSTON 3D/FE 26 90 sqc from Capt. Clark to a George D'Pass with text reading "I leave today for Buff Bay and to leave next week for Kingston. What you have for me save for me. I been laying here six days now and would take to rum quickly". He obviously did as with no postal address.

dated MY 19 86 on QV 2d (SG.20a).

CHRISTIANA, Jamaica postal history
1892 QV 1d blue Post Card, with faults, pmk'd poor Christiana JU 13 92 sqc to Wood Green showing Returned Letter Branch cancels for both London and Jamaica.

JAMAICA postal history
1901 Empire rate cover with GB QV 1d lilac pmk'd Bedford FE 12 01 to Kingston where Advertised, Unclaimed etc, various backstamps, toning and peripheral faults.

KINGSTON, Jamaica postal history
(SQC) dated MY 24 88 on QV 1d blue Post Card to Mandeville with m/script "Unclaimed" and boxed RETURNED LETTER BRANCH 11 JY 88 plus MANDEVILLE sqc dated M/MY 24 88 and M/JY 9 88.

1901 unsealed cover with pair 1sn brown to Kingston with Advertised, Unclaimed and Returned Letter Branch 5 AU 01 handstamps alongside address panel, b/stamped TOKIO return dated 6 MAR 01.
Francis E Reed was Examiner Education Department Jamaica in 1901

dated AU 23 79 on QV 6d CC wmk (SG.12), toning.

dated -- AU 81 (day not inserted) on QV ½d CC wmk (SG.7).

RETURNED-LETTER-OFFICE, Cyprus postal history
(T.10AA) B/MR 19 00 on QV ½pi Newswrapper pmk'd Nicosia B/JA 10 00 to Cairo where boxed REFUSE added.

Returned Letter Branch, Jamaica postmark
(D6) purple boxed TRD dated JAN 24 1924 (LRD) on 3d Columbus (SG.83/96) piece showing italic UNCLAIMED h/stamp.

P.O.A. 59, NATAL postal history
P.O.A. 59 on much travelled opened-out 1898 Transvaal 1d rate cover pmk'd Johannesburg 3 ME1 98 to Lower Umzimkulu re-addressed Imbezana, Natal with GPO, Natal 4 MY 98, Durban 5 MY 98, Umzinto 5 5 98, Umhlangeni MY 12 98 and MY 13 98, 2 x POA 59, Port Shepstone JY 7 98, Umhlangeni JY 8 98 and purple Returned Letter Office 15 9 98 plus 2 OCT 98 unidentified Z.A.R. return arrival, reverse with blue crayon "Advertised + Unclaimed". Exhibition item.