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F96 used SHOOTER'S HILL, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.22b), rare on this stamp.

A67 used PORT ROYAL, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8).

G16 used PRIESTMAN'S RIVER, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV ½d CA wmk (SG.16a).

A79 used BALACLAVA, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type K) on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.22b).

A62 used PLANTAIN GARDEN RIVER, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28).

A66 used PORT MARIA, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18).

A75 used SAVANNA-LA-MAR, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type L) on 6d Pine wmk (SG.5).

A67 used Port Royal, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 6d CC (SG.12).

JAMAICA "A01" postmark transferred to G.P.O. London Foreign Section on BRITISH SOMALILAND stamp
(Type E) cancelling uncancelled 1903 British Somaliland QV 6a olive-bistre (SG.7). Exceptionally rare on this.

A52, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.17).

A67 used Port Royal, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.17), rare on this issue.

BIABOU, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
C/JY 21 86 on QV 1d rose (SG.48a).
Currently the latest recorded date before the terrible cyclone of AU 16 86. No further strikes are known until C/SP 1 86 and the black GB/40c was probably used as a consequence during the interim period.

COROZAL, British Honduras postmark/cancel
*/SP 7 21 on KGV 2c Peace (SG.121).

The unique red ink RABACCA, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
Newly discovered dated C/FE 6 98 on 1897 QV 5d sepia (SG.62). Ex Ron Cronin collection.

WHITTLESEA, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel
1884 6d reddish purple Cabled Anchor wmk (SG.52), block of 24 pmk'd AP 22 86, a stunning and sensational exhibition piece.

A27 used ALEXANDRIA, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8a).

A76 used SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type O), on QV 1d Keyplate (SG.27).

A45, Jamaica postmark/cancel
on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18a).

A79 used RICHMOND, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type J) on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.9a).

A79 used BALACLAVA, Jamaica postmark/cancel
(Type K) on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.9a).
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