JAPAN to CEYLON postal history 1917 censored Post Card with 1sn, 3sn pmk'd 2.10 and 6.10 to Welwalakande Estate, Horana showing NO 2 17 arrival. £40
RUSSIA to JAMAICA postal history 1905 col. ppc with 4kon tied Moscow 18.8.05 datestamp to the Manager of the Titchfield Cottages showing KINGSTON and PORT ANTONIO SE 20 05 arrivals. £48
VREED-EN-HOOP, British Guiana 1927 use of KGV 2c PSRE with added 2 x KGV 2c pmk'd */15 OC 27 to The Hague, Holland, and ppc of the village with 2c pmk'd Georgetown 25 APR 01 to Nimes, France. £24
PUNTA GORDA "From Air by Rev. Hugh Warren" Black & white Post Card with pencil annotations "Taken by plane, blurring due to vibration" and "when flying back to Belize". £25
GOVERNORS HARBOUR mailbag seal tying KE7 1d on b/w ppc pmk'd GOVERNORS HARBOUR 2 DEC 05. Indistinct strike but find another on entire! £160
MONKEY RIVER, British Honduras postal history 1919 pencil addressed col. ppc of East Indian Coolie Hut to Government House, Belize with KGV 3c WAR affixed pmk'd MONKEY RIVER sideways down C/MR 5 19 cds. £80
O.A.T. F.S. BERMUDA to HUNGARY postal history 1965 col. ppc of "A Bermuda Home and Garden" to Budapest, Hungary with QE2 9d tied Hamilton 12 MCH 1965 machine, boxed purple "O.A.T./F.S." added during London transit. £28
BERMUDA postal history 1906 b/w ppc of "Pirate Rock" to Birmingham, England with 1d Dock tied Hamilton AP 19 1906 with SHIP LETTER LONDON C/MY 4 06 arrival alongside. £48
A Fashionable Wedding, Leeward Islands (Antigua) postal history B/w ppc written "Buxton Grove Dec 21 1911" to Nazareth, Pennsylvania, USA with Leeward Islands KE7 1d tied small portion OFFICIAL PAID, ANTIGUA cds dated (DE) 21 11. Part of sender's text reads "Can you find the Rev. J.A. Sergeant on the picture? It's a Greenbay wedding". £48
VANTS DRIFT self-printed Post Card, Natal postal history 1904 chrome photo of the Vants Drift Hotel & Store from Austin to Miss Gearing, Brighton, England with KE7 1d pmk'd VANTS DRIFT C/JA 30 1904, text includes "I will print some different ones for you all next week". £48
WARWICK-WEST to TURKS ISLANDS postal history 1907 b/w ppc of Royal Palms marked "Per S.S. Bermudian via New York" to Lindsay Smith, Grand Turk, Turks Islands with 1d Dock pmk'd WARWICK-WEST FE 18 1907 with TURKS ISLANDS FE 21 07 arrival cds alongside. £55
ST. VINCENT postal history re-posted at PLYMOUTH (Devon) 1906 b/w ppc of Kingstown to Plymouth with KE7 1d pmk'd Kingstown C/DE 24 06, on arrival re-addressed to Newport, Lincoln with GB KE7 ½d pmk'd Plymouth JA 7 07 d/ring. £24
ATLANTIS HOTEL, BATHSHEBA COAST, Barbados postal history coloured ppc showing the railway line mailed with 1d Badge to Huddersfield pmk'd GPO 12 JA 26 cds. £15
ROCK ISLAND, Trinidad Unused b/w ppc. Size only 50 x 30 metres. £18
BAHAMAS postal history 1909 destruction by earthquake of Myrtle Bank Hotel, Jamaica Post Card to Irvington, N.J. with KE7 1d tied purple Hamburg-American Line/Atlas Service PRINZ AUGUST WILHELM d/ring oval dated APR 15 1909, Pitch Lake, Trinidad sticker added by sender. £200
1232 used UPPER MAITLAND, Cape of Good Hope postal history dated B/AU 9 05 on pair KE7 ½d affixed b/w ppc of "Silver leaf trees on Devils Peak" to Warwick, England showing MAITLAND transit, some toning. £120
POA 36, Natal postal history on QV ½d x 3, QV 1d cover to Mrs. J. Coltman L.D.S., Heaton, Newcastle, reverse m/script "E.S. Bicycle" on flap plus GPO 18 SP 97 despatch and C/OC 11 97 arrival, toning. £70
MAPUMULO, Natal postal history (M.2) JY 29 08 tying KE7 1d on Rhodesia ppc to Switzerland. £48
POA 57, Natal postal history tying KE7 ½d on NORWEGIAN col. ppc of the future King Haakon VII and Queen Maud (coronation 22 June 1906) addressed Stanger showing Pietersmaritzburg FE 15 06 transit, text includes the word "Eshowe". The Norwegian Missionary Society founded its first permanent mission station north of the Tugela in the 1840’s.