RUM CAY, Bahamas postmark (T.1, D2) C/JA 1 89 on QV 1d (SG.47). Illustrated Ludington and Raymond handbook Page 20. £30
SPANISH WELLS, Bahamas postmark (T.1, D2) C/20 SP 13 on KGV 1d (SG.83). Illustrated Page 20 "The Bahama Islands" by Ludington and Raymond £50
MOPALMA, Sierra Leone postmark (115.01) sideways down C/NO 12 without year on KE7 1d (SG.87). Illustrated Page 72 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £175
KARENE, Sierra Leone postmark (066.01) C/AU 17 99 on envelope cut-out piece, very rare office. Illustrated Page 49 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £48
BENDU SHERBRO, Sierra Leone postmark (012.02) C/SP 16 09 on KE7 3d (SG.104), rounded corner perf. Illustrated Page 6 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £15
BATKANU, Sierra Leone postmark (010.01) A/MR 6 03 on KE7 1½d orange (SG.101). Illustrated Page 4 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £185
MANO, Sierra Leone postmark (106.01) */1 JU 09 on horiz. pair KE7 ½d (SG.99), exceptionally rare. Illustrated Page 67 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £140
CLINE TOWN, Sierra Leone postmark (025.03) */DE 2 13 on KGV 2½d (SG.116). Very scarce early period as office closed SP 1 1915 to MR 15 1926. Illustrated Page 14 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £40
KISSY, Sierra Leone postmark (075.04) 10 NO 56 on QE2 1/3d (SG.218) piece. Illustrated Page 54 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £12
GAMBIA, Sierra Leone postmark (036.02) sideways down C/15 DE 23 on KGV 3d (SG.136). Illustrated Page 37 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £200
KAMBIA, Sierra Leone postmark (062.01) A/27 DE 01 on QV 1d (SG.42) piece. Illustrated Page 48 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £95
KANGAHUN, Sierra Leone postmark (063.01) */15 JY 55 on KG6 2d (SG.191a). Illustrated Page 48 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £10
MAKENI TELS, Sierra Leone postmark (0.99-TEL) 5 AP 59 on QE2 3d (SG.214), short base perf. Illustrated Page 65 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £175
DARU, Sierra Leone postmark (030.02) */MR 11 13 on KGV 1d (SG.113). Illustrated Page 17 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £16
BAOMA, Sierra Leone postmark (008.01) */28 AP 5 (5 for year only) on KG6 2d (SG.191a), minor toning. Illustrated Page 4 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £14
KASSE, Sierra Leone postmark (069.01) */JY 5 09 on KE7 ½d (SG.99). Illustrated Page 50 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £120
SHERBRO, Sierra Leone postmark (018.03) C/OC 28 90 on QV 6d dull violet CC wmk (SG.35), oily lower left corner perfs. Illustrated Page 11 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £90
KENNEMA, Sierra Leone postmark (072.01) in purple dated C/JY 26 22 on KGV 5d (SG.138). Illustrated Page 52 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £20
GBAP, Sierra Leone postmark (042.01) */8 JA 51 on KG6 1½d (SG.190a). Illustrated Page 39 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £14
HAMILTON, Sierra Leone postmark (049.02) A/NO 22 43 (LRD of cds and "A" code) on KG6 1½d (SG.190a), exceptionally rare on KG6 adhesives due scarce office and short life. Illustrated Page 42 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £120