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JAPAN to CEYLON postal history
1917 censored Post Card with 1sn, 3sn pmk'd 2.10 and 6.10 to Welwalakande Estate, Horana showing NO 2 17 arrival.

RUSSIA to JAMAICA postal history
1905 col. ppc with 4kon tied Moscow 18.8.05 datestamp to the Manager of the Titchfield Cottages showing KINGSTON and PORT ANTONIO SE 20 05 arrivals.

JAMAICA to PERAK postal history
1908 cover with QV 3d sage-green tied STREET LETTER BOX KINGSTON AP 27 08 d/ring affixed reverse with IPOH and KAMPAR 4 JU 1908 arrivals alongside, flap badly opened.

SAUDI ARABIA to BAHAMAS postal history
1964 cover to Nassau with 3p x 2, 20p pmk'd Dhahran Airport 17.10.64.

KUWAIT to CYPRUS postal history
1952 cover with GB KG6 ovp'd KUWAIT 6 ANNAS to Nicosia pmk'd AHMEDI 23 SP 52, b/stamped 29 SP 52 arrival.

BARBADOS to TRIESTE (Austria) postal history
1890 printed address cover from N.E. Parravicino with QV 1d to Trieste pmk'd open bootheel duplex dated A/SP 12 90.

EGYPT to MALTA postal history
1889 use of 5mils carmine UPU Post Card pmk'd Alexandrie 4 XI 89 to Alfred Gouder, Valletta with fine MALTA G/NO 9 89 arrival, full text.

TAIWAN to JAMAICA destination mail
1961 cover from Chia-yi to Jones Town, Jamaica

LOBAU, Saxony to India postal history
German 10pf Post Card pmk'd Lobau (Sachsen) 18/12 88 to Delhi, India with Sea Post Office A/1 JA 89 and Delhi 10 JAN arrival. Full text.

VENEZUELA - CURACAO - FRANCE (Entomology, Lepidoptera Acha)
1899 use of uprated 10c Post Card headed "Meriden 31 Mayo 1899" to Besancon, France showing CURACAO 16 6 1899 transit sqc.

RUSSIA to CURACAO postal history
1912 use of uprated 3k Post Card headed "Alexandropol 29 Marz 1912" to Willemstad with CURACAO 11 MEI 12 arrival.

BAVARIA to NATAL postal history
1909 use of 10pf Post Card pmk'd WURZBURG 16 FEB 09 to the Trappists Mission, St. Faith's, Natal showing IXOPO MR 13 09, HIGH-FLATS MR 15 09, and ST. FAITHS MR 19 09 transits, reverse full text.

SIERRA LEONE to GERMANY postal history (pre U.P.U. April 1 1879)
1875 cover to Offenbach, Germany with QV 1d x 2, 6d tied "B31" showing Liverpool 22 JY 75 and London 23 JY 75 transits, reverse with finely struck red PAID-AT-SIERRA-LEONE JY 7 1875 broken dbl-arc with Offenbach 24 7 75 arrival. A very rare early cover to Germany.
Few destinations are recorded with QV adhesives prior entry to the UPU, only to England, France, Germany (only this cover), Ireland, Sierra Leone (locally addressed), and the USA are known to me.

1889 use of QV 1d UPU Post Card with added QV ½d to Germany pmk'd St. Lucia C/MY 30 89 showing London A I/JU 22 89 transit and Bremen 23 6 89 arrival, both address and text in pencil with some harsher creasing top right corner.

1876 printed blue flap of The Commercial Bank of Australia/Geelong marked "p. Albion" to Napier, New Zealand with QV 2d pmk'd Geelong "2" duplex dated 3 X/NO 22 76, neatly b/stamped Melbourne 4 A/NO 23 76 and Napier 6 DE 70/L.

TRANSVAAL to ARGENTINA (gold mining period)
1894 use of 1d PSE with added defective 1d pmk'd Pretoria 25 FEB 94 additionally tied by red London MR 8 94 transit, reverse text headed by an unidentified 'camp' (purity, survey?) with Cape Town D/FE 28 94 transit and Buenos Aires AB 15 94 arrival, central vertical crease.
Gold was discovered on the Witwatersrand, in the Transvaal, in 1886. Thousands of white and black South Africans were employed on the mines by 1890. Even though the Transvaal gold mines were the richest in the world they were the most difficult to mine because the reefs lay so deep underground. The gold had to be mined by shafts as opposed to open mines, like diamonds.

NEW SOUTH WALES to ANTIGUA postal history
1869 flimsy stock cover to Clare Hall, Antigua marked "Per R.M.S. Malta" with QV 2d x 3, QV 10d x 3 (3/- rate) pmk'd Sydney DE 31 69 showing London 25 FE 70 transit, reverse, clear of detached flap, Antigua B/MR 17 70 arrival. Faults.

1921 reg. cover from The Tortola Drug Store to Langlaagte, Transvaal with KGV ½d, 1d x 3, 2½d (6d rate) pmk'd purple ink TORTOLA A/JA 5 21 d/rings with matching ink ROAD TOWN registration etiquette h/stamped numeral "10", b/stamped Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas JAN 9 1921 and New York 1-17 1921 transits, unevenly opened at right but a wonderful destination cover.

1868 cover to the Gas Works, Adelaide with QV 6d tied Sydney H/FE 26 1868 duplex showing GPO Adelaide N/MR 5 68 arrival alongside. Smaller faults but a scarcer inter-colonial destination.
Reverse docketted "G.C. Clark, Sydney 24 Feb 68 - didn't authorize sale of instruments."

1906 cover endorsed "Per Private Ship "Ayr" from DARTMOUTH" to Highgate House, St. Michael's, Barbados with GB KE7 1d pmk'd WALWORTH G.O. dated NO 15 06, partial arrival b/stamp.
Use of 1d by longer journey time private ship most unusual at this time as mail carried by contract vessels at the 1d Empire Rate.
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