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TURKS ISLANDS sender cover used ORACABESSA, Jamaica
full cover with Grand Turk sender address with Jamaica KG6 Coronation trio pmk'd Oracabessa MY 12 37 addressed Oracabessa.

MONTSERRAT postal history
1911 "used elsewhere" Frederiksted, St. Croix printed "JESUS IS COMING, GET READY" cover with unsealed rate ½d Badge pmk'd Montserrat A/AP 2 1911 to Apthorp, New Hampshire.

RUATAN (home of banished St. Vincent Caribs), Republic Honduras
"used elsewhere" cover to Chicago pmk'd Belize 28 OC 27 with Buy British Goods/And Get The Best handstamp.

AFTERMATH OF BELIZE G.P.O. FIRE, British Honduras postal history
The Post Office was without handstamps and registration labels after the fire of 30 May 1909. This “used elsewhere” cover with printed United Fruit Company, Puerto Barrios, Guatemala is addressed Las Cascades, Canal Zone, Republic Panama and has temporary supplied use of the BELIZE NEW RIVER SERVICE cds dated E/JU 11 09 tying KE7 1c x 6, 2c x 2 (10c rate) with manuscript “R 143” (a new boxed registration etiquette known 3 days later (JU 14 09, Dr. Matheson ERD).

Postal Stationery "USED ABROAD", British Guiana postal history
1938 use one "ONE CENT" on 2c carmine UPU Post Card by the Regent Stamp Company to Oxton, Birkenhead put through the London machine cancel on 5 AUG 1938 with the uncancelled GB KG6 1d tied by London 5 AU 38 d/ring.

1886 use of Barbados QV 1½d brown UPU Post Card with cross-written text headed "Mar 29" pmk'd Dominica vertical "A07" at Roseau with C/AP 3 86 despatch cds alongside to Miss M.B. Clinckett, Rev. Canon Branch, The Rectory, Barrouallie, St. Vincent with only KINGSTOWN C/AP 8 86 arrival b/stamp, corner fault but a fine example of accepted mail which should not have been accepted without penalty.

TURKS ISLANDS "used elsewhere" envelope, JAMAICA postal history
1937 printed Wesley House, Grand Turk sender envelope with Jamaica KG6 Coronation trio pmk'd Oracabessa MY 12 37 addressed to Rev. Sherlock, Oracabessa.

FRANCE postal history
1970's Hotel Edison, New York airmail cover used in France to Japan, some soiling etc.

BERMUDA postal history
1942 envelope used elsewhere (New York printed changed Bermuda typewritten) to Rutherford, New Jersey with airmail rate KG6 7½d pmk'd HAMILTON 5 JUN 42, most unusually handstruck red "THIS LETTER CAME IN BY AIRMAIL", no backstamps, commercial as opened 3 sides.

BARBADOS postal history
1960 Polish Ocean Lines ms Stefan Batory printed cover with QE2 12c strip of three pmk'd GPO Barbados 4 FE 60 to Uxbridge, Middlesex re-directed London, reverse with delightful machine slogan.

NEWSWRAPPER "USED ABROAD", St. Lucia and Barbados postal history
1890 use of St. Lucia QV ½d green/cream newswrapper posted with Barbados QV 1d pmk'd open bootheel duplex A/MR 31 90 to Gosport, England.

Canada "used abroad" envelope BARBADOS to Holland postal history
1904 "W. DOHERTY & Co, DOHERTY ORGAN, CLINTON, ONTARIO, CANADA" cover used with Barbados 2½d Seal pmk'd B/NO 5 04 to Oss, Holland.

1931 cover to Manchester, England with KGV 4c, 5c, 10c pmk'd Belize 21 SP 31 with 3-line purplish "AIR FEE/prepaid to/New York only" and Air Mail sticker deleted by mauve jusqu'a bars, part recipients name blacked out.
Stated to have been posted by one of H.M. Cruisers from Belize when the ship was sent to assist the inhabitants after the disastrous hurricane which struck on the afternoon of 10 September 1931.

MUSTIQUE, St. Vincent postal history
San Andres Island, Colombia, Hotel Abacoa cover with St. Vincent 2c, 8c, 10c Bird definitives pmk'd */9 AU 72 to Miami, Florida. Exceptionally attractive.

Great Britain used in Jamaica
1921 cover with incorrectly added GB KGV 1d (perf. faults) to South Wales just tied NEWPORT, JAMAICA NO 5 21 d/ring, tax handstamp and GB 1d, 2d Postage Dues tied 22 NO 21, soiled.

Obsolete JAMAICA "A01" transferred to G.P.O, LONDON FOREIGN SECTION, Transvaal postal history
1902 censored cover to The Hague, Holland with 2 x 1d E.R.I. overprints tied Johannesburg 18 APR 02 with further uncancelled KE7 ½d firmly "killed" by obsolete Jamaica "A01" numeral (Type E) transferred from Kingston to the G.P.O. London Foreign Section specifically for the duty of cancelling uncancelled adhesives. A wonderful combination cover.

SANTOS (AVULSA), Brazil postmark on Great Britain stamps
dated 19 AGO 1907 tying 2 each GB KE7 ½d and 1/- on large, folded in places, foolscap cover with printed flap of "The Atlantic Transport Company Limited, Swansea" (size 288 x 122mm) addressed Rio de Janeiro, soiling/toning around adhesives.
Scanned from reduced size photocopy