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LONG ISLAND (West Cork, Ireland) postal history
1973 cover with Eire 7½p airmail printed matter rate pmk'd Sgoile Mhure (Schull) 24 IV 73 on face and Long Island 4p Harbour issue tied to reverse addressed Bombay, India, returned with various handstamps showing Baile Atha Cliath (Dublin) 7 AUG 1973 return. Very few of these returned covers which travelled thousands of postal miles are known.
Permission for Long Island locals was given by the Department of Posts, Dublin. After a year of preparation, much delayed by difficulty in finding a perforating machine, the stamps were issued AP 24 1973. First Day Covers were prepared and serviced in Schull (and collected later in the day) and over 1,000 others letters were posted that day to collectors and stamp trade worldwide. Instead of travelling the 60 miles direct to Cork Airport these letters reached nearby Skibbereen where postal rules dictated that all mail should be cleared before employees go home. Instead of the expected 15 or so letters over 1,000 arrived and on noticing the Long Island locals on reverse Dublin was phoned who said not to accept more mail until the matter was looked into. Orders were serviced in the following weeks, but due Government reshuffles no authorisation to continue ever came and the service, although legally approved, was eventually abandoned.

LONG ISLAND (West Cork, Ireland) postal history
1973 cover with Eire 7½p airmail printed matter rate pmk'd Sgoile Mhure (Schull) 24 IV 73 on face and Long Island 4p Harbour issue tied to reverse addressed Caracas, Venezuela, returned with various handstamps showing Baile Atha Cliath (Dublin) 22 AUG 1973 return. Very few of these returned covers which travelled thousands of postal miles are known.
Permission for Long Island locals was given by the Department of Posts, Dublin. After a year of preparation, much delayed by difficulty in finding a perforating machine, the stamps were issued AP 24 1973. First Day Covers were prepared and serviced in Schull (and collected later in the day) and over 1,000 others letters were posted that day to collectors and stamp trade worldwide. Instead of travelling the 60 miles direct to Cork Airport these letters reached nearby Skibbereen where postal rules dictated that all mail should be cleared before employees go home. Instead of the expected 15 or so letters over 1,000 arrived and on noticing the Long Island locals on reverse Dublin was phoned who said not to accept more mail until the matter was looked into. Orders were serviced in the following weeks, but due Government reshuffles no authorisation to continue ever came and the service, although legally approved, was eventually abandoned.

LONG ISLAND, West Cork, Ireland local issue
PROGRESSIVE PROOFS in unmounted mint blocks of four (7) of the 1973 set of four local stamps depicting Cottages Midland Harbour, Map of the Island, nearby scenes of Leamcon Castle and Fastnet Lighthouse, only 8 sets exist.
Issued to carry mail from the island to Schull mainland village, County Cork

The MUSTIQUE ISLAND carriage labels - "No mint copies exist"
This is the only known 10c yellow mint sheetlet of two labels, produced circa 1971, in fresh unmounted mint condition (small gum disturbance at lower right), accompanied by both 10c yellow label on inaugural first flight cover dated 1 SEP 1971 which terminated the private conveyance service, and subsequent Urch Harris "ballot" order form (included) for supply of the four covers. Lord Glenconnor, Colin Tennant, owner of Mustique island conceived the idea of 10c labels to privately convey island mail, with Government consent from the Hon. Hudson Tannis, Minister for Communications & Works, by more flexible regular use of small aircraft to mainland St. Vincent circumventing the slower and less frequent by boat service offered by the Mustique Post Office. Four differing colour same design labels were printed, and stocks ultimately depleted when they were affixed, alongside St. Vincent GPO issues, to SP 1 1971 first day covers for the official inaugural flight Mustique to St. Vincent. Cancelling of the covers was firstly undertaken by Doreen Simon, the Mustique schoolmistress who doubled as the island post mistress, and secondly by the mainland Kingstown G.P.O., and the bulk were carried back to London by a member of the Mustique management team in a suitcase via Luxembourg (accompanied by Princess Margaret). The Bristol based Urch Harris company, famed for their distribution of new stamp issues, marketed them . These covers were not only First Day Covers but also LAST DAY COVERS.
The Urch Harris catalogue listed printing quantities as 10c orange (2000), 10c blue (550), 10c yellow (250), 10c mauve (70). The Wilson figures for both blue and yellow are inaccurate and the estimated use for yellow labels used on inaugural flight covers is 234 leaving 14 labels (or 7 sheetlets) unaccounted for. No "earlier" service 10c orange labels are known on cover. Accompanied by scan of BWISC Bulletin article being the UH copied source for quantities affixed to first flight covers.

MUSTIQUE ISLAND stamps: The currently only known 10c blue MUSTIQUE COMPANY LIMITED mint sheetlet
Produced circa 1971 in fresh unmounted mint condition, small surface abrasion lower right edge.
550 blue labels were printed and an estimated 525 blue labels used up on the inaugural flight covers which terminated the private conveyance service. Only an estimated 25 labels (or 12 sheetlets) remain unaccounted for. No earlier service 10c blue labels are known on cover. One 10c blue label is illustrated in Nicholas Courtney's book (available internet) alongside later cover which importantly shows the handwriting style of Colin Tennant matching the unique proving cover of the earlier service.

INTRODUCING THE LADY ANNE COVER, the greatest and most significant item of MUSTIQUE postal history
It was always assumed that the four Mustique Company labels were solely produced for the SP 1 1971 Government run inaugural First Flight covers between Mustique Post Office and mainland, St. Vincent, but this UNIQUE PROVING COVER shows that a Government approved PRIVATELY OPERATED LOCAL CARRIAGE SERVICE existed (by-passing the Mustique post office, and perhaps for only a few months) which REMAINED UNDISCOVERED for nearly 45 YEARS - 1971 commercial cover hand addressed by Colin Tennant to Lady Anne Tennant with MUSTIQUE COMPANY LTD 10c MAUVE label tied by their 10 JUN 1971 company handstamp for air carriage of 18 miles to mainland, and St. Vincent 50c Bird postmarked the next day KINGSTOWN */11 JU 71 to the family home at Tite Street, London. Arrival confirmed by automatic letter sorting machine luminescent dots applied at the London Eastern Central District Office as seen lower right of cover. No early ORANGE, YELLOW, or BLUE labels are known on cover. LADY ANNE TENNANT (formerly Lady Anne Coke), wife of Lord Glenconnor, Colin Tennant, owner of Mustique, was a Maid of Honour to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Her Coronation and is best seen holding the Queen's gown during the procession down the aisle at Westminster Abbey. Lady Anne was also Lady-In-Waiting to H.R.H. Princess Margaret. (Accompanied by early example of the SP 1 71 10c mauve on First Flight cover typewritten address - ie before use of printed address labelling).
This is the ONLY KNOWN COVER leaving just 5 labels unaccounted for as only 70 of the 10c mauve label were printed for exclusive use by the owners of Mustique - the remaining 64 labels known to have been used up on the later First Day Covers for the SP 1 1971 inaugural flight Mustique to St. Vincent. The normal Mustique Post Office was fully operational since 1958 but the company service offered a more flexible air connection to the mainland. The labels were printed in units of two.

LONG ISLAND, West Cork local issue (incl. view Fastnet Lighthouse)
1973 set of four depicting Cottages Midland Harbour, Map of the Island, nearby scenes of Leamcon Castle and Fastnet Lighthouse, complete unmounted mint sheet.