BELIZE-Balboa, CANAL ZONE FFC, British Honduras full cover pmk'd Belize 23 MY 25 £75
MONTSERRAT Delayed First flight to St. Lucia pmk'd A/JU 20 30 with GPO Plymouth */FE 23 31, reverse St. Kitts C/23 FE 31, Castries */26 FE 31 and partial Montserrat MR 6 31 return. £75
FIRST EMPIRE FLYING BOAT 1½d rate, SOUTH AFRICA to EGYPT postal history 1937 cover with Claremont sender address on reverse marked "First Empire Flying Boat 1½d rate" to Cairo, Egypt with 1½d tied Cape Town JUL 3 1937 machine, on arrival framed "RETOUR" and pencil "to sender", on reverse boxed "UNCLAIMED/NON RECLAME" handstamp, some toning. £24
CAYMAN ISLANDS postal history: 1947 First Flight cover Cayman Brac to Kingston, Jamaica with KG6 2½d pmk'd CAYMAN BRAC NO 3 47, b/stamped Half-Way-Tree NO 7 47. £30
SPECIAL FIGHT AROUND THE ISLAND, BARBADOS postal history 1939 cover with 2 x U.S. 3c Landing of the Swedes and Finns tied U.S.S. RANGER/BRIDGETOWN BARBADOS duplex dated MAR 16 1939 addressed Denver, Colorado with purple 3-line "SPECIAL FLIGHT/AROUND BARBADOES/BRITISH WEST INDIES" handstamp on front, reverse with ½d Badge of Colony tied GPO 6 MR 39 cds appended below "9 of 28" and signed "JS Johnson-Pilot, Bridgetown, Barbadoes". £150
MUSTIQUE ISLAND stamps: The currently only known 10c blue MUSTIQUE COMPANY LIMITED mint sheetlet Produced circa 1971 in fresh unmounted mint condition, small surface abrasion lower right edge. 550 blue labels were printed and an estimated 525 blue labels used up on the inaugural flight covers which terminated the private conveyance service. Only an estimated 25 labels (or 12 sheetlets) remain unaccounted for. No earlier service 10c blue labels are known on cover. One 10c blue label is illustrated in Nicholas Courtney's book (available internet) alongside later cover which importantly shows the handwriting style of Colin Tennant matching the unique proving cover of the earlier service. £850
YUNDUM AIRPORT, Gambia postal history */26 JY 65 on First Airmail from Yundum Airport with QE2 4d, 6d (reverse), 1/3d to Scotland, blue BATH reg. label, reverse GAMBIA FIELD FORCE sender's h/stamp. £75
1964 FFC Miami to Rock Sound, Bahamas cover £10
1931 FFC La Guayra, Venezuela to POS pmkd POS FE 10 31, no arrival backstamp. £18
1938 FFC Liverpool to POS pmkd JA 31 38 showing new 1/- rated (FDC for GB KG6 3d) arriving POS 11 FE 38. £28
1961 FFC POS to New York pmkd 11 JU 61, b/stamped New York (IDL) JUN 11 1961. £18
TRINIDAD postal history: 1931 FFC Cristobal, Canal Zone to Trinidad pmk'd FE 12 b/stamped FE 13 arrival. £18