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Subject: Britannia design Clear

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4 used ST. GEORGE, Barbados postmark
on 1855 (4d) brownish red (SG.5, Cat.£275), no margins and crumpled appearance.

BARBADOS postmark
(21mm, Benwell unlisted) dated I/DE 24 78 on 1d grey-blue (SG.74).

BARBADOS stamps:
Newly discovered 1874 ½d deep green (SG.65), a used example with unlisted DOUBLE PRINT.
Scan of normal for comparison only (not included)

BRIDGETOWN bootheel (issued 1863), Barbados postmark
on 1861 (½d) blue-green, possibly from an imperforate used pair (SG.21b).

BARBADOS "tramlines" variety:
1876 ½d bright green P.14 with Crown CC REVERSED wmk (SG.72x), mint pair with left copy showing prominent diagonal lines through second "N" of "PENNY".

The unique (2d) greyish-slate QUADRISECT, Barbados stamps
fragment with used previously unrecorded and SG unlisted quadrisect (SG.4a variety) tied Bridgetown obliterator on newspaper piece (½d rate) mounted on small piece.

1 used BRIDGETOWN, Barbados postmark/cancel
(C1) obliterator on strip of three 1861 (1d) blue (SG.23), blue crayon line on left stamp shows it was part of a registered letter franking.

10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark/cancel
(C2) bootheel on 1875 1/- violet P.12½ (SG.71), large closed tear.

10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark/cancel
(C2) bootheel on 1874 1d deep blue (SG.66).

BARBADOS stamps:
1861 (1d) pale blue (SG.23), unused without gum showing previously unnoticed prominent large birthmark on Britannia's arm, a constant variety found Row 5/3 on Plate II.

20 used LA BREA, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.2) on 1876 6d deep yellow-green (SG.77a), facial edge stain.

9 used ST. ANDREW, Barbados postmark/cancel
(C2) bootheel on 1d dull blue (SG.74).

5 used ST. JOHN, Barbados postmark/cancel
(C2) bootheel on 1870 1/- black Large star wmk (SG.47), rare on this issue.

BARBADOS SHIP LETTER postmark/cancel
(Benwell D3) dated 2 FE 82 on 1876 4d red (SG.76), extremely rare as an adhesive "killer".
In the post-UPU period (Barbados joined SP 1 1881) adhesives on cover were cancelled by this oval BARBADOS SHIP LETTER datestamp, a fact not previously known. No examples yet found on "loose" 1882 Queen's head issues.

16 used CHAGUANAS, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.2) on re-perforated 1863-80 1/- lilac-rose (SG.73a).

2 used SAN FERNANDO, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.7a) 2/MY 23 70 on 1863-80 1/- mauve (aniline) CC wmk P.12½ (SG.73b), tear and perf. faults.

2 used SAN FERNANDO, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.6) on 1876 4d bluish grey CA wmk P.14 (SG.76), thinned with perf. toning.

17 used COUVA, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.2) on 1863 (1d) lake CC wmk P.12½d (SG.69), perf. faults.

6 used AROUCA, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.2) on 1863-80 1/- mauve (aniline) CC wmk P.12½ (SG.73b).

7 used ARIMA, Trinidad postmark/cancel
(Type 0.2) on 1872 1/- chrome-yellow CC wmk P.12½ (SG.74).
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