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TRANSVAAL postal history to JAVA, Nederland Indies
1896 cover with ½d, 2d pmk'd Pretoria 30 JAN 96 to Bandoeng, Java forwarded Willerrede, handstruck RANTJA EKET village str. line, b/stamped BATAVIA 24 3 1896 d/ring, TJIANDJOER 24 3 1896 d/ring, BANDOENG 25 3 1896 d/ring.

REGISTERED, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
straight line on QV 1d black (SG.22), seldom seen.

REGISTERED handstamp used STUBBS, St. Vincent postmark/cancel
PML No.70 (1) part strike used as a "killer" strangely without supporting STUBBS on QV 1d red (SG.48b).
On SP 11 1898 St. Vincent was devastated by a giant hurricane, and some village offices might have resorted to temporary measures if their datestamps were mislaid.

purple ink str. line on vertical pair 1d (SG.126).

CRADOCK, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel
2-line CRADOCK./MAR 24 1865 on 1862 6d slate-lilac/white (SG.7c), margins clear 2 sides.

Ship Letter, Mauritius postmark on Seychelles stamp
(Hosking 1344 applied Port Louis) on Seychelles KGV 12c (SG.108).

BAKANA mailboat postmark on Niger Coast stamp
purple straight line overstruck part PAQUEBOT (LIVERPOOL) SP 4 -- on Niger Coast 2½d, rounded corner perf.
The S.S. Bakana was a ship of the British & Africa Steam Navigation Co., 2793 tonnes. Built 1894, lost 1913.

"VOLTA" paquebot handstamp on Sierra Leone stamp
in purple on KE7 1d (SG.74) with part CAPE COAST MY 15 -- cds.

Beaufort West, Cape of Good Hope postmark
re-constructed fullish straight line cancel on ½d and 1d (SG.58,59a), both stamps with defective corners.

LEOPOLDVILLE, Sierra Leone paquebot postmark
purple str. line on KE7 1d (SG.100a) piece.

M.V. "KALADAN", Sierra Leone paquebot postmark
purple str. line on KG6 1½d (SG.190a).
New Walton handbook illustrated

PARCEL POST TABORA, Tanganyika postmark
newly discovered purple 2-line handstamp on 1927 KGV 3/- black (SG.104, Cat.£80).

OTTAWA, Natal postmark
previously unseen type on QV 6d Crown CA (SG.103).
Putzel unrecorded

INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID plus "triangle-type" Sierra Leone postmarks
newly discovered str. line (allocated 726.02 as without "FOR AIR MAIL") and unlisted 15mm high triangles in greenish-black nullifying "T" handstamp on KG6 ½d, 1d pmk'd FREETOWN EAST */11 OC 55 piece with added KG6 ½d pmk'd FREETOWN 28 OC 55.
Note small portion bluish "E" at extreme left

MISSENT TO ???? on St. Lucia stamp
large part unidentified 2-line h/stamp on KE7 1d (SG.59), stain at lower right.

LATE, Sierra Leone postmark
(710.01, 17x5mm) on QV 2½d CA wmk (SG.31) lightly dated SP 19 91.

IBADAN, Lagos railway postmark
(T. Ry.18 - 4½mm high 22½mm long without stop), in purple with part rimless oval of bars in black on QV 1d (SG.22), toning.

IBADAN, Lagos period railway postmark
(T.Ry.18 - 4½mm high x 22½mm long without stop) full strike in two parts (inconclusive as to whether has stop) and dated with LAGOS FE 11 1903 cds on QV ½d (SG.21).
Lagos amalgamated into Southern Nigeria on 16 FE 1906

NEWCASTLE, Transvaal occupation of Natal postmark
(Hart M.M.1.11) ib blue ink dated 12 Maart 1900 on Transvaal 1d (SG.217) piece.

PAQUEBOT maritime postmark on Montserrat stamps
str. line on shared horiz. pair KGV ½d, 1d (SG.64,66).
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