TRANSVAAL postal history to JAVA, Nederland Indies 1896 cover with ½d, 2d pmk'd Pretoria 30 JAN 96 to Bandoeng, Java forwarded Willerrede, handstruck RANTJA EKET village str. line, b/stamped BATAVIA 24 3 1896 d/ring, TJIANDJOER 24 3 1896 d/ring, BANDOENG 25 3 1896 d/ring. £325
REGISTERED, St. Vincent postmark/cancel straight line on QV 1d black (SG.22), seldom seen. £48
REGISTERED handstamp used STUBBS, St. Vincent postmark/cancel PML No.70 (1) part strike used as a "killer" strangely without supporting STUBBS on QV 1d red (SG.48b). On SP 11 1898 St. Vincent was devastated by a giant hurricane, and some village offices might have resorted to temporary measures if their datestamps were mislaid. £75
PIETA DESTROYERS DEPOT, Malta cancel purple ink str. line on vertical pair 1d (SG.126). £30
CRADOCK, Cape of Good Hope postmark/cancel 2-line CRADOCK./MAR 24 1865 on 1862 6d slate-lilac/white (SG.7c), margins clear 2 sides. £185
Ship Letter, Mauritius postmark on Seychelles stamp (Hosking 1344 applied Port Louis) on Seychelles KGV 12c (SG.108). £16
BAKANA mailboat postmark on Niger Coast stamp purple straight line overstruck part PAQUEBOT (LIVERPOOL) SP 4 -- on Niger Coast 2½d, rounded corner perf. The S.S. Bakana was a ship of the British & Africa Steam Navigation Co., 2793 tonnes. Built 1894, lost 1913. £60
"VOLTA" paquebot handstamp on Sierra Leone stamp in purple on KE7 1d (SG.74) with part CAPE COAST MY 15 -- cds. £48
Beaufort West, Cape of Good Hope postmark re-constructed fullish straight line cancel on ½d and 1d (SG.58,59a), both stamps with defective corners. £25
LEOPOLDVILLE, Sierra Leone paquebot postmark purple str. line on KE7 1d (SG.100a) piece. £28
M.V. "KALADAN", Sierra Leone paquebot postmark purple str. line on KG6 1½d (SG.190a). New Walton handbook illustrated £60
PARCEL POST TABORA, Tanganyika postmark newly discovered purple 2-line handstamp on 1927 KGV 3/- black (SG.104, Cat.£80). £80
OTTAWA, Natal postmark previously unseen type on QV 6d Crown CA (SG.103). Putzel unrecorded £48
INSUFFICIENTLY PREPAID plus "triangle-type" Sierra Leone postmarks newly discovered str. line (allocated 726.02 as without "FOR AIR MAIL") and unlisted 15mm high triangles in greenish-black nullifying "T" handstamp on KG6 ½d, 1d pmk'd FREETOWN EAST */11 OC 55 piece with added KG6 ½d pmk'd FREETOWN 28 OC 55. Note small portion bluish "E" at extreme left £40
MISSENT TO ???? on St. Lucia stamp large part unidentified 2-line h/stamp on KE7 1d (SG.59), stain at lower right. £25
LATE, Sierra Leone postmark (710.01, 17x5mm) on QV 2½d CA wmk (SG.31) lightly dated SP 19 91. £20
IBADAN, Lagos railway postmark (T. Ry.18 - 4½mm high 22½mm long without stop), in purple with part rimless oval of bars in black on QV 1d (SG.22), toning. £40
IBADAN, Lagos period railway postmark (T.Ry.18 - 4½mm high x 22½mm long without stop) full strike in two parts (inconclusive as to whether has stop) and dated with LAGOS FE 11 1903 cds on QV ½d (SG.21). Lagos amalgamated into Southern Nigeria on 16 FE 1906 £48
NEWCASTLE, Transvaal occupation of Natal postmark (Hart M.M.1.11) ib blue ink dated 12 Maart 1900 on Transvaal 1d (SG.217) piece. £28
PAQUEBOT maritime postmark on Montserrat stamps str. line on shared horiz. pair KGV ½d, 1d (SG.64,66). £5