SAN PEDRO AMBERGRIS CAYE, Belize abbreviated d/ring dated 8 NO 00 from Gold Mine Jewelry, Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro on foolscap cover to the USA. Will be posted along fold line. £10
BRITISH HONDURAS to REPUBLIC HONDURAS full cover to San Pedro Sula, Honduras pmk'd AU 6 31, reverse TELA ans SAN PEDRO SULA arrivals. £24
MAYARO on QV 2d PSRE pmk'd A/SP 8 92 £75
JAMAICA meter machine cancel dated 18 II 56 £15
MULLINS RIVER Full cover with purple ink temporary rubber datestamp JUN 8 52 (manuscript year), b/stamped Belize 9 JU 52 cds £16
MASKALL Full cover with undated black ink temporary rubber datestamp, reverse Belize 29 MY 52 cds £16
ROARING CREEK Full cover with purple ink temporary rubber datestamps SEP 5 1951, b/stamped Belize £22
SAN PEDRO Full reg. cover with purple ink temporary rubber datestamp 23 JAN 1947, no b/stamps. £28
STANN CREEK VALLEY Full reg. cover with purple ink temporary rubber datestamp 22 (day slugs inverted) APR 1940 (at right) and MAY 22 (day slugs inverted) 1940 (at left), b/stamped Belize (7 JU) and Liverpool. £25
BURRELL BOOM Full cover with purple ink temporary rubber datestamps DEC 13 1952, b/stamped Belize £28
HARBOUR ISLAND Full cover pmk'd 11 MAR 18 with Nassau tourism handstamp and red 1464 tracking to London, b/stamped Nassau 14 MAR 18 £30
TARPUM BAY Full cover pmk'd 2 MAR 18 with Nassau tourism handstamp and red 247 tracking to London, b/stamped Nassau 9 MAR 18 £25
NASSAU, Bahamas Full cover pmk'd 17 JUL 15 addressed S. Mass without town, blue crayon "Not Signed:: and oval REBUT. added at New York, repaired tear middle right side. £48
20 MILES STANN CREEK mailbag seal full cover, date indistinct, reverse sender address £28
POMONA mailbag seal full undated cover £25
DOUBLE HEAD CABBAGE full cover with purple temporary rubber datestamp 3 SEP 1951, b/stamped Belize. £22
MILLVILLE full reg. stampless OHMS cover with boxed temporary rubber datestamp APR 26 1930, b/stamped Nassau, Miami, Tacoma Washington £240
MOORES ISLAND full cover with boxed temporary rubber datestamp MAR 21 1957, no b/stamps £65
PIRATE WELL full cover pmk'd 10 APR 47, no b/stamps £40
SAN PEDRO AMBERGRIS Full cover with temporary rubber datestamp 7 SEP 1932, b/stamped Belize 8 SP 32 £350