ST. VINCENT stamps: Germany litho forgery of the 1888 5/- in lake incorporating the word "FALSCH" in the design ovp'd "FACSIMILE" unusually with offset of the overprint on reverse, very fine unused without gum. £24
BAHAMAS stamps: 1863 Chalon QV 6d violet (aniline) CC wmk P.12½ (SG.32, Cat.£250), good unused without gum with Chalon design clearly appearing on reverse, mellowed appearance. £48
KORTI, Sudan postmark/cancel with COMPLETE OFFSET Egypt ovp'd 1p PSE (D2, short-lived) dated 30 11 98 on 5m (SG.13) added Egypt ovp'd 1p blue PSE piece with COMPLETE OFFSET on reverse. £65
ST. LUCIA (unissued) stamp: Panelli forgery in lemon-yellow of the QV 1882 FOUR PENCE on undenominated (4d) with impressed Crown CC REVERSED wmk and partial diagonal off-setting of the overprint on reverse, bogus cancel. The 1882 FOUR PENCE (SG.27) only being issued with Crown CA watermark (as it not found with reversed wmk as such). £60
BRITISH GUIANA postal history 2c carmine/grey PSE pmk'd Suddie (date unclear) to Queenstown, Essequibo with COMPLETE OFFSET of indicia, opened for display. £75