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ST. VINCENT stamps:
Germany litho forgery of the 1888 5/- in lake incorporating the word "FALSCH" in the design ovp'd "FACSIMILE" unusually with offset of the overprint on reverse, very fine unused without gum.

BAHAMAS stamps:
1863 Chalon QV 6d violet (aniline) CC wmk P.12½ (SG.32, Cat.£250), good unused without gum with Chalon design clearly appearing on reverse, mellowed appearance.

KORTI, Sudan postmark/cancel with COMPLETE OFFSET Egypt ovp'd 1p PSE
(D2, short-lived) dated 30 11 98 on 5m (SG.13) added Egypt ovp'd 1p blue PSE piece with COMPLETE OFFSET on reverse.

ST. LUCIA (unissued) stamp:
Panelli forgery in lemon-yellow of the QV 1882 FOUR PENCE on undenominated (4d) with impressed Crown CC REVERSED wmk and partial diagonal off-setting of the overprint on reverse, bogus cancel.
The 1882 FOUR PENCE (SG.27) only being issued with Crown CA watermark (as it not found with reversed wmk as such).

BRITISH GUIANA postal history
2c carmine/grey PSE pmk'd Suddie (date unclear) to Queenstown, Essequibo with COMPLETE OFFSET of indicia, opened for display.