E (used unknown location), Jamaica postmark/cancel on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.9a). £8
C used LAUGHLANDS, Jamaica postmark/cancel on QV 2d CC wmk (SG.9). £14
"F" (used Carriacou), Grenada postmark/cancel large part strike on QV Keyplate 4d Revenue issue, unusual. £20
F used CARRIACOU, Grenada postmark DEC 7 75 on QV 6d (SG.9), corner perf. fault. £12
F used CARRIACOU, Grenada postmark JAN 7 187- on QV 1d (SG.14). £14
Vertical "B" (used Nassau), Bahamas postmark (Ludington K6, Proud K5) in purple ink on KG6 2d (SG.152bc). £15
"B" (St. Marks parish), GRENADA postal history 1901 cover to Derby re-addressed locally with QV 1d Keyplate affixed to reverse flap tied "B" dated 15 AU 01 with St. George's transit and Derby arrival alongside. £75
D (used St. Andrew's), Grenada postmark 1st Type in blue ink part dated OCT 6 -- on QV 1d (SG.31). Blue ink seldom seen, possibly tail end use late 1885 but year yet to be ascertained with certainty £18
St. Andrew's "D", Grenada postmark in the REVERSED position dated 1 SP 88 on QV 2½d (SG.32). £14
C used CONSTANTINOPLE, GB used abroad postal history 1875 cover with summer use "via Varna" to Maidenhead, Berkshire with GB QV 4d Plate 14 pmk'd "C" and signed "T. F. Hughes" lower left, reverse circled H.B.M.E.C handstamp and red Constantinople JU 23 1875/A datestamp (7 days prior change to 2½d rate with JY 1 1875 joining of the U.P.U.). Thomas Fiott Hughes (1825-87), Oriental Secretary at Constantinople from 1859 was regarded by Ambassador to Constantinople Sir Henry Elliott as "perfectly useless". After Hughes' retirement in 1875 the post was abolished. £150
C used CONSTANTINOPLE, GB used abroad 1880 H.M.S. Falcon flap cover to Bombardier John Wilder, 10th Brigade, 16th Battery, Pembroke Camp, Malta with GB QV 2½d blue Plate 19 pmk'd "C" with red A/JY 9 80 despatch alongside, some toning. £180
C used CONSTANTINOPLE, GB used abroad cover 1874 wrapper with pair GB QV 4d vermilion Plate 13 pmk'd "C" to London, top flap could display clear red JU 9 1874/A despatch dbl-arc, some soiling. £95
Y used DEWETSDORP, Orange Free State postal history tying 1½d on 2d Brief Kaart to Chicago, reverse DEWETSDORP SP 5 95 despatch cds. £55
C used CONSTANTINOPLE, British Levant postmark on 1883-84 GB QV 2/6d lilac/blued paper (SG.Z142, Cat.£750), slight toning blemish. £200
Y used DEWETSDORP, Orange Free State postmark on Orange River Colony stamp on KE7 ½d MCA wmk (SG.148), facially scuffed top right corner. £10
C used LAUGHLANDS, Jamaica postmark on QV 1d CA wmk (SG.18), rare on this. £80
F used CARRIACOU, Grenada postal history 2nd Type dated 18 OC 94 on QV ½d Post Card, adjacent stamp removed, to Bridport, Dorset. £48
D used ST. ANDREWS'S, Grenada postmark 1st type dated APR 7 89 (for 1879?) on 1878 QV 6d deep vermilion (SG.17, Cat.£38). £18
C used CONSTANTINOPLE, British Levant postmark on GB QV 5/- rose Plate 2 (SG.Z121), light horiz. crease. £90
F used CARRIACOU, Grenada postmark on St. Vincent stamp arrival dated 26 NO 96 on QV 2½d on 1d (SG.55a), toning. £10