LANDFALL OF COLUMBUS, Bahamas stamp KG6 1½d (SG.164) showing broken top to first "U" and raised second "U" pmk'd GOVERNORS HARBOUR 13 MAY 43. £75
ST. LUCIA Attractive undated hand-drawn in black and gold drawing on card similar to the design accepted for the central Device of the Colony on the issued 1946 KG6 £1.00 definitive (SG.141). £125
HATCHET BAY, Bahamas postmark (T.7 II, D3) 27 NOV 41 on KG6 1½d (SG.151). £9
SOUTHERN RHODESIA stamps: 1940 British South Africa Golden Jubilee ½d (SG.53), the central vignette only unmounted mint, with security punch holes mounted on presentation card (100 x 115mm) headed "WATERLOW & SONS LTD/Progressive proof", superbly fresh. £140
BRITISH GUIANA stamps: Forgery of the 1945-52 KG6 $3.00 water-lilies, fine unused without gum, handstamped "FORGERY" in green ink on reverse. £65
OFFICIAL PAID P.O. BATHURST, Gambia postal history 1948 cover from Cleveland, Ohio with USA adhesives pmk'd during December to George Durst, Receiver General, Bathurst, returned with plain label h/stamped ON POST OFFICE BUSINESS ONLY (Proud unlisted without stop) and Bathurst */12 FE 48 despatch. £60
LEEWARD ISLANDS stamps: 1942 KG6 1/- grey & black/emerald (SG.110ba), a used block of nine stamps pmk'd ST. JOHNS, ANTIGUA A/JY 3 43 with all three stamps in right vertical row showing damaged "S" in ISLANDS, the top right stamp additionally showing shaved base to I in ISLANDS. The top right stamp with light diagonal crease and corner perf. fault. £240
JAMAICA stamps: 1938 KG6 4d Citrus Grove (SG.127), a work-in-progress imperforate die proof on gummed wmk'd paper originally affixed to document outlining changes needed by engraver, these would have included strengthening heavier shading within ear plus reworking of broken lines in hair above and behind ear. Corner lost when removed from document, has both horizontal and diagonal creases, presumed unique. comparison with issued stamp included £600