NONGOMA, Zululand postmark (Z.7) in purple with SIDEWAYS DATE OCT 12 1897 on QV 1d (SG.21). Nearest normal dates are OCT 8 1897 and NOV 9 1897; inverted date found for NOV 8 1897. £75
ENTONJANENI, Zululand postmark (Z.2) dated FEB 1 89 on GB ovp'd QV 1d (SG.2). £40
NONGOMA, Zululand postmark (Z.7) purple TRD dated JUN 11 189(8) on Natal QV 1d (SG.99a) piece. £70
UBOMBO, Zululand postmark (Z.7) purple ink TRD dated 24 MAY 1898 on Natal QV 1d (SG.99a). £70