RETREAT, Jamaica postmark/cancel (D/R) in blue ink dated JA 2 04 on 1d Falls (SG.32). £20
ANNATTO BAY, Jamaica railway postmark/cancel (S1b-I, D2) NOV 23 1904 on 1d Falls (SG.32). £24
ANNOTTO BAY, Jamaica railway postmark/cancel (S-1b II, D1) dated AUG 20 1903 on 1d Falls (SG.32). £16
JAMAICA - The CHARLES WINAND NUMERAL POSTMARK COLLECTION Full colour photo-copied illustrations as mounted on 103 album pages showing his 1,531 different combinations on Pine, CC, CA wmk, Keyplates, Falls, Fiscals stamp/numeral obliterators "A27" to "E". A unique record of one of the greatest numeral collections ever formed. The file will be sent as a PDF file to your email address as supplied. £75
TITCHFIELD, Jamaica postmark/cancel (TRD 11) in purple dated 16 1 03(?) on 1d Falls (SG.32), defective perfs top left. £14
NEWMARKET, Jamaica postmark/cancel (D/R) JY 26 01 on 1d Falls (SG.31), soiled etc. £12
WILLIAMSFIELD, Jamaica postmark (D/R) 13 DE 00 on 1d Falls (SG.31). £7