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You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). An in-depth text only study of the mainly Macrae T.2 and T.5 cancellations as found on QV issues arranged in chronological sequence, showing both the bands of use of code letters and ink colours. The majority of the 5,640 listed items being described and priced (as sold over the years). Provenance is given when known. 100 pages (A4 size), a sample page is illustrated. Price £280 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Information is the key to buying....order your copy today. (Listed in Postal History section only for convenience)

ST. VINCENT - DUKE DE POLIGNAC correspondence - Price £48
You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). 128 covers mostly colour illustrated (only 3 without scans) with descriptions for each including provenance where known arranged in chronological sequence. A real guide to which covers to buy covering pre-stamp (2), GB used in St. Vincent period, the Siege of Paris period. Price £48 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Information is everything....order your copy today. (Listed in "POSTAL HISTORY" section for convenience)

You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). Over 2,000 combinations individually priced. 1,725 colour illustrations of numeral combinations plus further 61 colour illustrations related items (cds used when numeral missing/lost etc) + 30 colour illustrations of selected covers. 149 pages (A4 size) Price £120 payable by PayPal or WISE transfer. Information is everything....order your copy today. (Listed in "POSTAL HISTORY" section for convenience)

OFFICERS 6d CONCESSION RATE cover (1 of 2 known), BRITISH HONDURAS postal history
1869 wrapper marked "Officers Letter, via New Orleans" to Mrs. Langford, Rathangan, Co. Kildare, Ireland countersigned "(Thos.) Edwards, Captain 4th W. I, Regiment, Commanding Left Wing" showing red BELIZE A/AP 7 69 PAID, red crayon "6", Liverpool Paid Br. Packet 27 AP 69, Rathangan O/AP 28 69. Small portion missing lower left.
The civilian rate was increased from 6d to 1/- per half ounce on AP 1 1863 until UPU entry AP 1 79, and the Officers concession rate of 6d was introduced FE 1 1869 and withdrawn DE 31 1869 (23 months) allowing a savings of 6d. From the same correspondence only one other similar Officers Letter is recorded to Mrs Langford countersigned Thos. Edwards dated DE 7 68, and a civilian rate cover to Miss Alice Langford, via New Orleans, rated red crayon 1/1 is dated AU 9 67.

COROZAL, British Honduras postmark/cancel
*/SP 7 21 on KGV 2c Peace (SG.121).

FREETOWN SIBUN, British Honduras
full cover dated 16 MR 73.

GALES POINT, British Honduras
full cover pmk'd MY 18 1973

BRITISH HONDURAS postal history
1904 reg. cover with QV 5c (postage) and QV 6c (registration) on "On His Majesty's Service" cover (Queen Victoria died JA 22 1901 but KE7 adhesives not available until OC 10 1902 per SG. Catalogue) with Coat-of-Arms flap pmk'd Belize A/FE 26 02 to Newark, New Jersey.

STANN CREEK framed oval of 6 lines, British Honduras postmark
(KD1) the obliterator portion of the rare TRD on "2 CENTS" on QV 1d (SG.37).

BRITISH HONDURAS postal history
1946 reg. cover to Cornwall with KG6 $1.00 pmk'd Belize FE 13 46.

TSINIANFORT (status uncertain) on British Honduras stamp
dated 26/8/88 on 1891 5c on 3c on 3d red-brown (SG.49).

DISTRICT COMMISSIONER, STANN CREEK, British Honduras fiscal cancel
part fiscal strike part dated 8 AP(R) on colour washed 1907 $1.00 (SG.91, Cat.£130 postally used).

STANN CREEK framed oval of 6 lines, British Honduras postmark
(KD1) the obliterator portion of the rare TRD on "2 CENTS" on QV 1d (SG.37).

RADIO OFFICE G.P.O. BELIZE fiscal cancel
undated as used for the 25c telegraph rate on KG6 25c.

MAIL FROM THE PROLIFIC FORGER Raoul De Thuin, British Honduras postal history
THE FRENCH PHILATELIC AGENCY, P.O. Box 206, Belize was just one of numerous printed address aliases used by the prolific stamp forger Raoul de Thuin to circumvent the spotting by the U.S. Post Office of his fraudulent activities to particular persons or firms (full details in Around The Caribbean 7). This cover with KG6 2c, 3c pmk'd Belize 3 OC 39 to Berlin, USA.
De Thuin (born Belgium 1890, died Guayaguil Ecuador 1975) started his philatelic “work” as early as 1916 leading to a shop in Brussels in 1927. He entered Mexico in 1931 on the run from French and Belgian police who wanted him for forgery. He was expelled from Mexico for setting up a forgery ring and moved to Tegucigalpa, Honduras where he was jailed and expelled in 1936, and then lived in Belize until moving back to Mexico in 1941 where he settled until 1968 when he moved to his wife’s home in Guayaguil. He specialised in forging overprints of Central and South American countries, especially Mexico, turning common stamps into rarities. “The Yucatan Affair” published by The American Philatelic Society illustrates his fabrications on much of the 523 pages. He is quoted as saying that “I have no conscience at all at having deceived all those foolish people. They are just fanatics who neglect their families for their passion.”

SAN ESTEVAN (late return to "C" code), British Honduras postal history
(SC-1a) dated C/28 SP 27 on 2 c KGV 2c (SG.127) cover to Montgomery Ward, Chicago, slight creasing.

STANN CREEK framed oval of 6 lines, British Honduras postmark
(KD1) the obliterator portion of the rare TRD on "2 CENTS" on QV 1d (SG.37).

3 CONCENTRIC CIRCLES (used San Estevan), British Honduras postmark
the "killer" portion of the rare San Estevan TRD duplex on 1888 "3 CENTS" on QV 3d red-brown (SG.38),

COROZAL, British Honduras postmark
(SC-1) dated JY 14 04 on QV 50c (SG.62, Cat.£75.00). Unusual on this denomination.
The KE7 50c (SG.90) issued during 1907.

GALES POINT, British Honduras postmark
purplish TRD dated SEP 2 1951 on Plate 1 University pair with reg. etiquette on piece.
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