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BUTIABA, Uganda postmark
(D1) the first dated example in purple ink for 13 MR without year on KGV 3c MCA wmk (SG.45), some toned perf tips at top.
Proud handbook types illustrated

JINJA, Uganda postmark
(D2) MA 31 04 on KE7 1a (SG.2).

MASAKA, Uganda postmark
(D3) OC 14 5 on KE7 1a (SG.18).

MASAKA, Uganda postmark
(D3) JL 24 28 on KGV 10c (SG.68).

MUMIAS, Uganda postmark
(D1) 27 JA 99 on QV 5r brown (SG.91, Cat.£120).

JINJA, Uganda postmark
Newly discovered Proud unrecorded boxed purple handstamp used for parcel post on block of six KGV 6c (SG.46), some creasing and age stains.