ST. VINCENT - DUKE DE POLIGNAC correspondence - Price £48 You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds). 128 covers mostly colour illustrated (only 3 without scans) with descriptions for each including provenance where known arranged in chronological sequence. A real guide to which covers to buy covering pre-stamp (2), GB used in St. Vincent period, the Siege of Paris period.
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JAMAICA NUMERAL CANCELLATION CATALOGUE - PRICE £120 You can now order and pay for your own DIGITAL copy (no refunds).
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A07 used Roseau, Dominica postmark superb strike tying 1879 bisected QV 4d blue (SG.7) to piece. £180
DOMINICA stamps: 1886 "One Penny" on QV 1/- magenta (SG.19), unused without gum showing spaced "On e" error, stamp pale in colour/faded. £30
DOMINICA stamps: Panelli type forgery of the QV 6d in yellow-green with impressed Crown CC wmk., thinned. £14
4 CONCENTRIC CIRCLES postmark/cancel on DOMINICA stamp on KG6 1d (SG.100). £6
"S.S. SCANPENN" paquebot postmark/cancel on DOMINICA stamp on KGV 1d (SG.73). £10
G.P.O. PORT-OF-SPAIN, TRINIDAD postmark/cancel on DOMINICA stamp arrival dated OC 1 12 on 1d View (SG.48). £6