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ST. THOMAS, Danish West Indies to ST. LUCIA
1890 use of 3c pink UPU Post Card pmk'd ST. THOMAS 18 11 1890 to the Colonial Bank, St. Lucia with ST. LUCIA C/NO 21 90, some soiling.

THE SECOND MEXICAN EMPIRE (1864-67), British Honduras postal history
1864 stampless OHMS cover with Royal Coat-of-Arms embossed flap and letter headed Belize 14 Feb'y 64 from a Captain of the British forces stationed in Belize to William Farrington, Nassau N.P., Bahamas marked "care of Van Vlinden Post Master St. Thomas". Contents include “We have just received orders for 2 Companies (out of 3) to prepare for embarkation at a moments notice for Active Service off the coast under Com'd of Major Anton(?). At present we have no idea when the Troop Ship will be in – this is expected any day or hour – as I am the only Capt here – I shall have to remain in care of the Company left behind – but my fate is not decided until the Troop Ship arrives”.
Maximilian 1 Emperor of Mexico (1864-67) was an Austrian Archduke (member of the Habsburg-Lorraine and a nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte) who declared all on Mexico including the unstable Yucatan and Belize as part of his Empire until his capture by liberal forces and execution by firing squad June 19, 1867.

ARROYO, Porto Rico carried "loose" to ST. THOMAS postal history (Ex Don Gaspar Roca)
1874 entire, written at Arroyo on July 11th 1874 has the correct 4d rate adhesive for mail to the British Postal Agency at St. Thomas, but was carried as a ‘loose’ letter (outside the mailbag) and was pmk’d ‘C51’ on arrival, no datestamp was applied probably due the letter originating elsewhere. The letter was then carried from St. Thomas to New York by the U.S. and Brazil Mail Steamship Company, the only line serving New York and Brazil during this period. The line was viewed by the British Government as an intruder on the British monopoly over mail service to and from Brazil, and was consequently driven out of business by heavy British government subsidies to the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company. Ex Don Gaspar ROCA (2006).
Entires from the British Postal Agency at Arroyo, opened 24th October 1872, are seldom encountered with the GB adhesives pmk’d ‘F83’. The few surviving covers are divided into two groups, those initially cancelled by round top ‘3’ in the ‘F83’ and those with a replacement flat top ‘3’ sent out 31st August 1876 due a fire.

A67 used PORT ROYAL, Jamaica postal history
1883 commercial reg. cover (opened top and right side) with SUNBEAM crested crown printed flap to Fraser, Manager of The La Guayra and Caracas Railway, Caracas, Venezuela with horiz. strip pf six QV 2d deep rose CC wmk (SG.9a) neatly pmk'd "A67" obliterators with PORT-ROYAL A/NO 12 83 backstamp, alongside address panel both Jamaica and St. Thomas registration handstamps and French Messageries Maritime line paquebot d/ring.
The Venezuelan capital, Caracas, is situated seven miles from the Caribbean sea, but lies at an altitude of 3,000 feet. Surveys for a rail line from La Guaira began in 1867 and British and U.S. engineers disputed the route and financing for 14 years. An English group finally secured a contract in 1881, registered La Guaira and Caracas Railway Company in London, and began construction of a 23 mile line that involved neither cables, switchbacks nor rack, It ordered eight locomotives from Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. in Manchester and an assortment of passenger and freight cars, The line began carrying passengers in July 1883.

BARBADOS to Prince Edward Island postal history (Ex GINGOLD, HURLOCK)
1873 cover (torn along top) with rounded corner perf. (4d) dull vermilion compound perf. 11 to 13 x 14½ to 15½ (SG.57, Cat.£110) and clean-cut (1d) blue (SG.52) pmk'd BARBADOS I/JY 29 73 to Nathaniel McLaren, Georgetown, Prince Edward Island rated red "4" and b/stamped ST. THOMAS A/AU 2 73 transit. A rare destination. Ex GINGOLD (1947) and HURLOCK (1959).

BARBADOS postal history
1865 cover with rare printed sender's address of GOODRICH & HOUGH, PHOTOGRAPHERS, No. 1 BROAD STREET, Bridgetown, Barbados marked "via Colon" to McAdam, New York rated red "4" with (1d) deep blue, (4d) dull rose-red (SG.24,25) tied bootheel "1" with BARBADOS MR 11 65 despatch cds alongside, reverse ST. THOMAS MR 14 1865 transit dbl-arc. The (1d) stamp torn right through prior affixing, and cover slightly reduced at left.

JAMAICA postal history:
1871 cover with pairs USA 2c brown, 3c green pmk'd cork cancels with BROOKLYN MAR 21 despatch to wife of Alex Lindo, Attorney at Law, Kingston, handstruck black "4" applied St. Thomas changed to blue crayon "5" at Kingston, reverse ST. THOMAS A/MR 30 71 and KINGSTON C/AP 3 71 cds.
Carried by U.S. and Brazil Mail Steamship "North America" departing New York MR 23 71 and arriving St. Thomas MR 30 71. Transferred to R.M.S. Elbe departing St. Thomas AP 1 71 arriving Kingston shortly after midnight AP 3 71.

TORTOLA, Virgin Islands postal history
1902 cover to St. Thomas, Danish West Indies with horiz. strip of three "One/Penny" on QV 4d dull mauve & orange (SG.17) pmk'd TORTOLA B/SP 16 02, reverse ST. THOMAS 18/9 1902 arrival.

1901 combination cover with 2½d postage and 2d registration made up with Leewards QV ½d and Virgins 1d Ursula, QV ½d, 2½d pmk'd */JA 26 01 to Illinois, reverse ST. THOMAS 30/1/1901 cds. Ex "URSULA" (1981, lot 2112 E$300 R$632.50)

VIRGIN ISLANDS temporary rubber datestamps postal history
EAST END and ROAD TOWN, the unique side by side combination of temporary rubber datestamps both dated 4 JUL 1907, the latter in purple, on Ursula ½d Post Card to Islington. Exceptionally clean and exciting exhibition item.
No example of the ROAD TOWN TRD has been found on loose stamp, the only other example known is on the reverse of envelope from same correspondence when writer sent the Post Office Order enclosed in an envelope from EAST END with TRD cancelling adhesive on face.