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VICTORIA to QUEENSLAND postal history
1863 cover to Rockhampton, Queensland with QV 6d pale grey-black pmk'd MELBOURNE duplex 5 O/SE 24 63, b/stamped OC 6 arrival.

VICTORIA to QUEENSLAND postal history
1863 cover to Rockhampton, Queensland with QV 6d grey-black pmk'd MELBOURNE duplex 5 K/DC 3 63, b/stamped DE 14 arrival.

Bacchus Marsh "15" travelling on ill-fated S.S. "Emeu", Victoria postal history
1857 cover marked "via Marseilles" (deleted for Southampton routing) with QV 6d orange tied "15" with red London Paid DE 7 57 on address panel (after 122 280days), reverse Bacchus Marsh and Melbourne JY 28 1857.
Sent on the S.S. "Emeu" (under charter of the Australian Royal Mail Co.) which left Sydney on September 11 bound for Suez, but stranded on October 22nd in the Red Sea, on the Guttal el Bunna, a coral reef 120 miles from Jeddah. She was refloated the following day and beached for repairs near Duber Dubb finally reaching Suez on the 3rd November, the mails however having been transferred to the P.&.O S.S. "Madras" which reached Suez on the 19th November (16 days after the "Emeu"!). Paid for delivery in Southampton the cover was sent from Alexandria on the P.&.O "Ripon" arriving December 7th.

1876 printed blue flap of The Commercial Bank of Australia/Geelong marked "p. Albion" to Napier, New Zealand with QV 2d pmk'd Geelong "2" duplex dated 3 X/NO 22 76, neatly b/stamped Melbourne 4 A/NO 23 76 and Napier 6 DE 70/L.

1893 exceptionally attractive cover front and single reverse side flap with QV 1c x 2, 5c to South Yarra.

VICTORIA to QUEENSLAND postal history
1872 mourning cover to Rockhampton, Queensland with Victoria QV 6d tied Melbourne 5 Y/MY 4 72 duplex, reverse Brisbane (MY 9), Marlborough (MY 21), Rockhampton (MY 15) transit and arrival.

By LAND ROUTE inter-colonial rate to Melbourne, Victoria, Queensland postal history
1878 cover to Germain Nicholson, Melbourne with QV 2d Chalon tied "QL" with BRISBANE 4/JU 12 78 despatch alongside, reverse Melbourne JN 17 78 arrival.

1860 cover front and top flap marked per "Oscar Steamer" to Adelaide with 6d Queen on Throne pmk'd "1" paying the intercolonial rate to Adelaide, South Australia showing OC 13 1860 arrival and Melbourne C/OC 10 60 on top flap.

HAWTHORN 48 duplex, VICTORIA postal history
1895 use of QV 2d purple PSE to the Editor of the Age, Melbourne pmk'd HAWTHORN "48" duplex dated A/MY 3 95.

WARRNAMBOOL, Victory postal history
1909 use of QV 1d rose Post Card uprated with QV ½d, 1d to Austria pmk'd WARRNAMBOOL 8 NO 09 cds with SALZBURG 2 arrival dated 11.X11.09 alongside, some soiling.

M.G.12 UP TRAIN, Victoria postmark/cancel
(SC, 2nd type with dashes) MY 5 98 on QV 1d.

M.G.1 DOWN TRAIN, Victoria postmark/cancel
(Small octagon) FE 14 93 on QV 8d.

M.G.4 UP TRAIN, Victoria postmark/cancel
(re-introduced LC) JA 29 04 on QV 1d.

M.G.4 UP TRAIN, Victoria postmark/cancel
(SCW) 6 NO 08 on QV 1d.

M.G.17 UP TRAIN, Victoria postmark/cancel
(LC) DE 28 03 on QV 1d.

M.G.9 UP TRAIN, Victoria postmark/cancel
(SC) DE 13 99 on QV 1½d.

ENGLISH MAIL T.P.O. OUT, Victoria postmark/cancel
5 OC 11 on QV 2d.

ENGLISH MAIL T.P.O., Victoria postmark/cancel
JY 31 12 full duplex on pair QV 1/- fragment.

M.G.12 UP TRAIN, Victoria postmark/cancel
(Small circle, 2nd type with dashes) OC 28 96 on QV ½d Post. Stat. cut-out, Purves believes this type to be rare.

ENGLISH MAIL T.P.O. OUT VICTORIA, Australia postmark/cancel
(D/R) 28 JA 14 on pair 1d (SG.2), corner defect.
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