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SEA FLOOR, Bahamas postmark
TRD dated MAY 10 1940 on KG6 4d (SG.158) piece.

253 used VAN RHYN'S DORP, Cape of Good Hope postal history
on QV ½d Post Card dated NO 26 90, full text, some blemishes.

447 used KALK-BAY, Cape of Good Hope postal history
on 1d rate cover to Constantia dated D/MY 12 94, some soiling, flap damaged with part removed, b/stamped Wynberg C/MY 12 94.

Returned Letter Branch, Jamaica postmark
(D6) purple boxed TRD dated JAN 24 1924 (LRD) on 3d Columbus (SG.83/96) piece showing italic UNCLAIMED h/stamp.

Passed By Censor 9, Gold Coast
in purple on KG6 3d cover pmk'd Accra 13 DE 40, sender's address portion on flap removed.

Passed By Censor 9, Gold Coast
in red on KG6 1½d cover pmk'd Accra 12 JAN 42.

NORTHERN NIGERIA (used Lokoja), Northern Nigeria postmark
(T.1a) MY 28 1902 on QV 1d (SG.2).

BIRCHIRCARA, Malta postmark
A/5 JU 11 on KE7 1d (SG.49).

BUTHA BUTHE, Basutoland postmark
(D6) relief cds dated 27 MR 34 on KGV 2d (SG.3) piece.

4 CONCENTRIC CIRCLES postmark applied Gambia on Sierra Leone
arrival cancel on KGV 1d (SG.113).

GRENADA stamps:
1862 QV 1d green (SG.2) used showing re-entry found by Alfred Charlton on Stamp 4 of the plate as described in his 1955 handbook.

HAND-DRAWN Facsimile – one of 250 plus individually unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work.

HAND-DRAWN Facsimile – one of 250 plus individually unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work.

HAND-DRAWN Facsimile – one of 250 plus individually unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work.

HAND-DRAWN Facsimile – one of 250 plus individually unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work.

HAND-DRAWN Facsimile – one of 250 plus individually unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work.

HAND-DRAWN Facsimile – one of 250 plus individually unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work.

HAND-DRAWN Facsimile – one of 250 plus individually unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work.

HAND-DRAWN Facsimile – one of 250 plus individually unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work. Some staining.

Walter D. Young QV 1/- hand-drawn facsimile, one of 250 plus individually different unique items discovered in a cream-coloured vellum stockbook belonging to a Walter D. Young in an old desk by a Cabinet making in Woking, Surrey about July 1951. The artist evidently spent a great deal of time on his work.
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