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BAUYA, Sierra Leone postmark (011.02) */10 JU 54 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £5
ROTIFUNK, Sierra Leone postmark (138.03) */15 NO 55 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £3
KABALLA, Sierra Leone postmark (057.02) sideways down C/5 JU 47 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £6
KUMRABAI MAMILA, Sierra Leone postmark (079.01) */JY 14 44 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £8
N'JALA, Sierra Leone postmark (121.02) */1 JU 56 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £5
NEW ENGLAND, Sierra Leone skeleton postmark (119.02) 17 DE 46 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £30
PENDEMBU, Sierra Leone postmark (124.01) C/2 JY 45 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £12
WATERLOO, Sierra Leone postmark (allocated 156.04) */5 JU 53 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). Walton unlisted, Proud D5 £14
PORT LOKO, Sierra Leone postmark (126.03) */24 AU 55 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £5
KORIBUNDU, Sierra Leone postmark (077.01) */2 AP 55 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £6
T.11 used TUNAPUNA, Trinidad postmark (Type 0.9) on QV 1d (SG.107), small faults. £18
T.7 used ARIMA, Trinidad postmark (Type 0.9) on 1d (SG.101x). £9
T.15 used ST. MARY'S, Trinidad postmark (Type 0.9) on 1d (SG.101). £9
T.15 used ST. MARY'S, Trinidad postmark (Type 0.9) on QV 4d (SG.110). £10
VIRGIN ISLANDS temporary rubber datestamps postal history EAST END and ROAD TOWN, the unique side by side combination of temporary rubber datestamps both dated 4 JUL 1907, the latter in purple, on Ursula ½d Post Card to Islington. Exceptionally clean and exciting exhibition item. No example of the ROAD TOWN TRD has been found on loose stamp, the only other example known is on the reverse of envelope from same correspondence when writer sent the Post Office Order enclosed in an envelope from EAST END with TRD cancelling adhesive on face. £3000
B.O., Sierra Leone postmark (016.03) 11 FE 50 on KG6 1/3d (SG.196a). £2
HAMILTON, Sierra Leone postmark (049.02) A/NO 22 43 (LRD of cds and "A" code) on KG6 1½d (SG.190a), exceptionally rare on KG6 adhesives due scarce office and short life. Illustrated Page 42 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry. £120
KENEMA, Sierra Leone (072.03) */21 MY 32 on KGV 2/- Slavery (SG.177), village cancels exceptionally rare on this stamp. £40
BRASS RIVER, Niger Coast dated A/MR 4 96 on N.C.P. 1d Post Card to England, full newsy text. £50
16 used CHAGUANAS, Trinidad postmark (Type 0.2) on 1/- (SG.73a). £40