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13 used STELLENBOSCH, Cape of Good Hope postal history (round top "3") on 1d rate cover dated A/AU 5 79, slight staining. £40
K used KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent postmark dated JY 10 80 on QV 1d olive (SG.29), only 14 examples currently recorded. £40
ELMINA, Gold Coast postmark (T.2 re-introduced) s/ways up C/JU 27 01 on QV 2d slate (SG.13b), red crayon line. Rare on 1884-91 issues. Elmina Type 2 with "A" code recorded A/SP 24 81 to A/AP 30 93 (with one odd late date A/AP 7 98 known). The cds re-introduced with sideways up "C" code period C/JU 23 00 to C/JU 18 04. £20
INGWAVUMA, Zululand postmark (Z.7) in purple dated 19 OCT 1899 on Natal QV 1d (SG.99a). £60
EGWANGA, Southern Nigeria postmark (T.4) scarce "A" code dated AU 10 07 on KE7 1d (SG.11). £16
4 used SAN JUAN, Trinidad postmark (Type 0.2) on 1d CC REVERSED wmk (SG.69cx), some reverse toning at top. £50
BETHLEHEM, Orange River Colony postmarks (D/R) dated 13 JUL 15 on block of twelve South Africa KGV 1d (SG.4), very minor perf. splitting. £20
JAMMERBERGDRIFT, Orange River Colony postmark purple TRD dated 31 MAY 1903 on KE7 1d (SG.140) piece. £40
MUSHROOM VALLEY, Orange River Colony postmark purple TRD dated 12 MAR 1904 on KE7 1d (SG.140) piece. £32
Bahamas Chalon 4d, 6d stamps the two values hinged together and seemingly belonging on small part written-up album page. £20
ASCIAK, Malta postmark AM/-P 21 00 (ERD) on QV ½d (SG.20). £200
NAXARO, Malta postmark AM/FE 1 17 (LRD) on KGV 1d (SG.73a), this office most elusive on KGV issues. £40
MUKHTAR OF LAYIA, Cyprus postmark seal tying QE2 10m (SG.176) to piece. £28
MUKHTAR OF PATHOS KATO, Cyprus postmark seal in purple with PATHOS 3 AP 59 postmark tying pair QE2 5m (SG.175a) to piece. £24
MUKHTAR OF SANIDHA, Cyprus postmark seal tying QE2 3m (SG.174) to piece. £25
MUKHTAR OF MATHIATIS, Cyprus postmark seal with G.R. MATHIATIS postmark tying QE2 10m (SG.176) to piece. £24
CLARENCE TOWN LONG ISLAND, Bahamas postmark (T.7a, D3) 15 FEB 12 on QV 1d (SG.49) showing use of obsolete QV stock re-issued during shortages of KE7 1d adhesive. Rare as normally Type 1 Clarence Town only found on QV issues. Malta QV 1d adhesives were also re-issued to various post offices period JU 12 1911 to NO 21 1911 during similar KE7 1d shortages. £18
VICTORIA B.O., Malta postmark NO 21 11 on QV 1d (SG.22) showing use of obsolete QV stock re-issued during shortage of KE7 1d adhesives. Bahamas QV 1d adhesives were also re-issued to various post offices period JU 16 1911 to FE 15 1912 during similar KE7 1d shortages. £25
LOWER BOGUE, Bahamas postmark (TRD 3C) large part dated --- 8 1929 on KGV 1d (SG.116), most elusive. £24