GREAT GUANO CAY, Bahamas postmark (T.7 I) 10 MAY 38 on KGV 2½d (SG.119), toning. £36
NICOLLS TOWN, Bahamas postmark (T.7I,D3) 3 JAN 17 on KGV 1d (SG.82a). £28
Oval of 6 bars applied ACKLINS ISLAND, Bahamas postmark (TRC V) overstruck NASSAU C/MY 22 0(3?) on 1902 KE7 1d (SG.62). Rare, and more so with dated cancel. £65
U.S.M.S. maritime postmark on Bahamas stamp MUNARGO in magenta on KGV 1d (SG.116). £5
RUM CAY, Bahamas postmark (T.1) B/JA 8 14 on horiz. strip of three KGV 1d (SG.82), some toning. £28
FOX HILL, Bahamas postmark (T.5,D2) in blue dated */JU 17 29 on KGV 1d (SG.116), some reverse toning at top. £75
SPANISH TOWN, Jamaica postmark (CDS) dated sideways up C/FE 1 -- (without year slugs) on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.8). Abnormal use on adhesive; possibly used during the change-over period from "A76" (H) to "A76" (O) oblits circa 1874. £28
SMITHFIELD, Orange Free State postmark on Cape of Good Hope stamp (D/R) in purple with O.V.STAAT at base dated AUG 20 1880 on CGH THREEPENCE on 4d pale dull rose CC wmk (SG.35), weak corner perf. £165
MACLOUTSIE, Bechuanaland postmarks (D2) dated JU 29 96 on block of four GB ovp'd QV 6d (SG.36), lower right stamp showing large break in "N" of "LAND". £48
638 used MAFEKING, Bechuanaland postmark on QV 2d (SG.11). £7
CAPE TOWN N.P.B. (Newspaper Branch), Cape of Good Hope interprovincial postmark (CDS) dated MY 12 11 on combination 2 x CGH KE7 1d, Natal KE7 ½d piece. £9
TATI ., Bechuanaland postmark dated MY 3 -- (weak or omitted year slugs) on 1891 GB ovp'd QV 4d (SG.35). (BECHUANALAND excised from base). Tati under Rhodesian (B.S.A. Co) control from MY 15 1894 and adhesives pmk'd TATI, MATABELELAND cds. £85
390 used MOCHUDI, Bechuanaland postmark on GB ovp'd QV ½d (SG.9). £12