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Grahams town, Cape of Good Hope postmark in manuscript on 6d CC wmk (SG.25a), perf. fault at left. £48
RETREAT, Jamaica postmark (D/R) in blue dated DE 31 06 on 1d Arms (SG.40). £14
ST. VINCENT stamps: 1873 QV 1/- lilac-rose (SG.20), average used pmk'd fine "A10". Cat.£350.00. £75
COULIBISTRE, Dominica postmark */15 DE 66 on QE2 10c (SG.169). £9
B O., Sierra Leone postal history (016.05) */23 MY 56 on mixed reign KG6 1/3d, QE2 4d, 6d reg. "Express Delivery" cover to London. 1/3d airmail postage, 4d reg. fee, 6d Express Delivery fee £40
KING'(S) ISLAND, Tasmania postmark (T.1, "S" removed) DE 9 11 on 1d View. £14
OATLANDS, Tasmania postmark (T.1) JY 7 05 on 1d View, perf. fault at base. £3
SULIMA, Sierra Leone postmark (146.04) A/1 NO 49 on KG6 1½d UPU (SG.205). £6
BLAMA, Sierra Leone postmark (015.02) C/31 OC 49 on KG6 1½d UPU (SG.205). £3
PUJEHUN, Sierra Leone postmark (129.02) */17 OC 49 on KG6 1½d UPU (SG.205). £6
N'JALA, Sierra Leone postmark (121.02) */MR 14 29 on KGV 2/- (SG.144), rounded corner perf. Rare on this denomination. £14
BROKEN HILL, Northern Rhodesia postmark (D12) 10 AUG 35 on KGV 1d S. Jub (SG.18), rounded corner perf. £12
FREETOWN, Antigua postmark A/23 DE 68 on QE2 2c (SG.182). £7
PAID AT DOMINICA, Dominica postmark Crowned Circle on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.5), thin. £14
V.R. ASHA, Cyprus postmark (T.21) on two horiz. pairs KE7 10pa (SG.61) affixed part envelope backing. £48
2 numeral (11 bars, similar OFS type) on Transvaal stamp (Mathews T.22a) on 1902 KE7 6d CA wmk (SG.250), undiscovered use. £40
2 numeral (11 bars, similar OFS type) on Transvaal stamp (Mathews T.22a) on 1902 KE7 1/- CA wmk (SG.251), undiscovered use. £40
BAHAMAS postal history 1879 mourning cover to New York with QV 4d dull rose CC wmk P.14 (SG.36) tied clear "A05" with very fine B/BAHAMAS/AP 23 79 despatch cds clear of missing flap, taxed on arrival with New York Due 3c opera-glass handstamp. Unusually, for this period, the sender did not take the opportunity of prepaying the U.S.A. internal postage with a U.S. 3c adhesive available at the Nassau Post Office period JA 1 1879 to JY 1 1880 (date of UPU entry) and was taxed in lieu of. £450
PAHANG damaged "M" SPECIMEN"stamp: 1895 3c (SG.14), fine unused without gum showing broken "M" in "SPECIMEN" variety. Only 13 can exist, sheet position 41. £40