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Grahams town, Cape of Good Hope postmark
in manuscript on 6d CC wmk (SG.25a), perf. fault at left.

RETREAT, Jamaica postmark
(D/R) in blue dated DE 31 06 on 1d Arms (SG.40).

ST. VINCENT stamps:
1873 QV 1/- lilac-rose (SG.20), average used pmk'd fine "A10". Cat.£350.00.

COULIBISTRE, Dominica postmark
*/15 DE 66 on QE2 10c (SG.169).

B O., Sierra Leone postal history
(016.05) */23 MY 56 on mixed reign KG6 1/3d, QE2 4d, 6d reg. "Express Delivery" cover to London.
1/3d airmail postage, 4d reg. fee, 6d Express Delivery fee

KING'(S) ISLAND, Tasmania postmark
(T.1, "S" removed) DE 9 11 on 1d View.

OATLANDS, Tasmania postmark
(T.1) JY 7 05 on 1d View, perf. fault at base.

SULIMA, Sierra Leone postmark
(146.04) A/1 NO 49 on KG6 1½d UPU (SG.205).

BLAMA, Sierra Leone postmark
(015.02) C/31 OC 49 on KG6 1½d UPU (SG.205).

PUJEHUN, Sierra Leone postmark
(129.02) */17 OC 49 on KG6 1½d UPU (SG.205).

N'JALA, Sierra Leone postmark
(121.02) */MR 14 29 on KGV 2/- (SG.144), rounded corner perf. Rare on this denomination.

BROKEN HILL, Northern Rhodesia postmark
(D12) 10 AUG 35 on KGV 1d S. Jub (SG.18), rounded corner perf.

FREETOWN, Antigua postmark
A/23 DE 68 on QE2 2c (SG.182).

PAID AT DOMINICA, Dominica postmark
Crowned Circle on QV 1d CC wmk (SG.5), thin.

V.R. ASHA, Cyprus postmark
(T.21) on two horiz. pairs KE7 10pa (SG.61) affixed part envelope backing.

2 numeral (11 bars, similar OFS type) on Transvaal stamp
(Mathews T.22a) on 1902 KE7 6d CA wmk (SG.250), undiscovered use.

2 numeral (11 bars, similar OFS type) on Transvaal stamp
(Mathews T.22a) on 1902 KE7 1/- CA wmk (SG.251), undiscovered use.

BAHAMAS postal history
1879 mourning cover to New York with QV 4d dull rose CC wmk P.14 (SG.36) tied clear "A05" with very fine B/BAHAMAS/AP 23 79 despatch cds clear of missing flap, taxed on arrival with New York Due 3c opera-glass handstamp.
Unusually, for this period, the sender did not take the opportunity of prepaying the U.S.A. internal postage with a U.S. 3c adhesive available at the Nassau Post Office period JA 1 1879 to JY 1 1880 (date of UPU entry) and was taxed in lieu of.

MORNE DIABLE skeleton, Trinidad postmark
(T.10) skeleton cds dated 25 OC 79 on 10c (SG.544).

PAHANG damaged "M" SPECIMEN"stamp:
1895 3c (SG.14), fine unused without gum showing broken "M" in "SPECIMEN" variety. Only 13 can exist, sheet position 41.
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