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LAGOS, Nigeria postmark on NIGERIA plus GAMBIA combination piece dated 19 JU 25 on Nigeria KGV 1d and Gambia KGV 1½d (presumed SG.110) piece. £36
554 used ACCRA, Gold Coast postmark on GAMBIA stamp applied on arrival on 1871 QV 4d pale brown No wmk (SG.2), margin at top just clear of design. £125
EDINBURGH parcel postmark on GAMBIA stamp arrival cancel in purple on KG6 1½d (SG.152). £25
14 used PLAINE MAGNIEN, Mauritius postmark on QV 4d rose CC wmk (SG.62), thin at base. £36
14 used PLAINE MAGNIEN, Mauritius postmark on QV 1d purple-brown No wmk (SG.46), stained lower right corner. £30
ASCIAK, Malta postmark AM/JU 2 07 on KE7 ½d (SG.47). £28
ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark (T.1) OC 16 93 on QV 4c (SG.105). £10
ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark (T.1) NO 23 93 on QV 15c (SG.107). £10
MARSH HARBOUR, Bahamas postal history purplish TRD dated SEP 25 1971 tying Coinage issues on cover. £10
LANDRAIL POINT, Bahamas postal history reg. local cover with bluish-black TRD dated JAN 7 1952. £30
FIJI stamps: 1925 KGV 2/6d black & red/blue (SG.240), fine used. Cat.£32.00. £18
FIJI stamps: 1876-77 6d carmine-rose on laid paper (SG.33b), superbly fresh horizontal strip of three IMPERFORATE VERTICALLY, choice multiple. RPS Certificate (1985). £1500
997 used MIDDELBURG, Cape of Good Hope postal history on cover dated C/AU 31 96 with horiz. pair, strip of three ½d (SG.48a) to London re-addressed Munich, Bavaria, one stamp defective. £60
15 used UNION VALE, Mauritius postmark on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93). £14
LEEWARD ISLAND stamps: 1897 QV 2½d dull mauve & blue (SG.11/11a), fine unmounted mint horiz. strip of three, the centre stamp with SEXAGENARY overprint DOUBLE. Cat.£1200.00. £525
DOMINICA stamps: 1920 1½d on 2½d orange (SG.60), u/m Plate 1 block of four. Cat.£19.00. £9
DOMINICA stamps: 1874 QV 1d lilac CC wmk (SG.1), mounted mint, hinge remains. Cat.£150.00. £40
DOMINICA stamps: 1879 QV ½d olive-yellow CC wmk (SG.4), marginal mounted mint, hinge remains. £4
34 used RIVIERE DES ANGUILLES, Mauritius postmark on QV 16c chestnut CA wmk (SG.109), small thin. £10