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NEWTON, Sierra Leone postmark
(120.02) sideways up C/JY 23 25 (ERD) on KGV 1d (SG.132). Rarely found on the 1921-27 KGV defins.

MAFWEH, Sierra Leone postmark
(094.01) AU 30 99 (ERD, "99" inverted) on QV ½d (SG.41), facial scuff at left.
Currently the only recorded example on QV issue.

GBANGBAIA, Sierra Leone postmark
(039.01) */JU 2 26 (ERD) on KGV ½d, 1d (SG.131a,132a) piece.

B64 used SEYCHELLES postmark
(SG.Z20) on Mauritius QV 4d rose CC wmk, some toning.

SAVANNAH-LA-MAR, Jamaica postmark
(D/R) JY 23 13 on 5/- Arms (SG.45) piece, perf. fault top right.

B64 used Seychelles postmark on Mauritius stamp (with variety)
on QV 17c rose CC wmk (SG.Z50) showing broken vertical pin variety. Possibly unique.
This same vertical broken pin variety found on printings of 1879 Mauritius QV 4c orange (SG.93) and 1882 St. Vincent QV 1d drab (SG.39).

S.S. TAIF, Gambia maritime postmark
in purple tying KGV 5d (SG.130) to piece off-loaded with indistinct xxxxx QUAYS 8 OCT 29 cds.
The S.S. Taif was shelled and sunk at Suez in 1969.

CARABANE, Senegal postmark on GAMBIA stamp
arrival dated 3 NOV 0(5?) on KE7 4c (SG.50).

1882 QV 1d salmon P.10 (SG.222), used block of four pmk'd SYDNEY H/OC 1 84.

1882-91 QV 1/- pale mauve (SG.174), a used block of ten stamps pmk'd ROCKHAMPTON B/JY 5 94, some perfs. re-inforced.

1882 QV 6d green (SG.170), used block of four, lower right stamp with "long P" variety.

BAHAMAS postal history:
1881 cover with QV 4d dull rose Crown CA wmk P.14 (SG.36) tied "A05" to Wexford, Ireland, b/stamped A/BAHAMAS/MY 4 81 despatch cds and WEXFORD A/MY 22 81 arrival.
The U.P.U. QV 4d rate (using CC wmk P.14) to UK introduced JY 1 1880, and QV 4d CA wmk P.14 issued March 1882. Covers with the former scarce to England and particularly rare to Ireland during this 21 month period.

33 used RIVIERE DRAGON, Mauritius postmark
on "8 CENTS" on QV 2d blue CC wmk (SG.85).

33 used RIVIERE DRAGON, Mauritius postmark
on QV 18c blue CC wmk (SG.94).

JACKSON TOWN, Jamaica postmark
(D/R) SP 2 95 on horiz. strip of five QV ½d (SG.16a), some toning on left stamp, rare office and rare multiple.

STEWART TOWN, Jamaica postmark
(CDS) FE 3 86 on QV 2d (SG.20), rare office.

234 applied as Postman's handstamp(?) on GAMBIA stamp
on QV ½d (SG.21).

GEORGETOWN, British Guiana postal history to TURKEY:
1908 cover with 2c, 5c pmk'd Georgetown 8 AUG 1908 to Turkey, b/stamped Constantinople-Galata 27-8 08 d/ring, toning but an exceptional destination.

30 used BLACK RIVER, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93), some trimmed perfs top left.

30 used BLACK RIVER, Mauritius postmark
on QV 1d bistre CC wmk (SG.58), vertical pen-line.
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