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RIVERSDALE, Jamaica postmark
(D/R) SP 11 99 on QV 1d (SG.27).

14 used MAHEBOURG, Mauritius postmark
on QV 2c Venetian red CA wmk (SG.102).

VERDUN, Mauritius postmark
(T.3) A/MR 18 96 on QV 4c carmine (SG.105).

LONG CAY F.I., Bahamas postmark
(T.1) C/AU 19 92 on QV 1d (SG.49), small tone spot.

(T.2) A/FE 21 00 on QV 1d (SG.49).

ROCK SOUND, Bahamas postmark
(T.1) C/FE 16 01 (year inverted) on QV 1d (SG.49).

CUSTOMS DUTY, Cape of Good Hope Revenue stamp:
on KE7 1d postally used with CAPE TOWN d/ring with "30" at base dated 1 MR 10, thinned at top with small tear.

(SG.Z10) on QV 9d dull purple No wmk, str. edge at left.

(SG.Z50) on QV 17c rose CA wmk.

19 used SOUILLAC, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c carmine CA wmk (SG.104), facial rub top right corner.

19 used SOUILLAC, Mauritius postmark
on QV 2c green CA wmk (SG.103).

BRITISH GUIANA 2c on 15c (1st Setting)
Position 50 showing "no stop" (SG.224a, Cat.£170) and dirt marks in S (like $), fine mounted mint with hinge remains.
An early state with the chips to base of T and lower left leg of W just starting to show (these being the accepted characteristics for this "no stop" stamp as per second reference scan attached)

19 used SOUILLAC, Mauritius postmark
on "8 CENTS" on QV 2d blue CC wmk (SG.85).

19 used SOUILLAC, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93).

14 used MAHEBOURG, Mauritius postmark
on "4 CENTS" on QV 1d bistre CC wmk (SG.84), perf. defects at base.

27 used BEAU BASSIN, Mauritius postmark
on QV 16c chestnut CA wmk (SG.109).

30 used BLACK RIVER, Mauritius postmark
on "TWO CENTS" on QV 4c carmine CA wmk (SG.118).

41 used ST. PIERRE, Mauritius postmark
on QV 16c chestnut CA wmk (SG.109).

34 used RIVIERE DES ANGUILLES, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CA wmk (SG.104).

30 used BLACK RIVER, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93), thinned.
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