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JAMAICA stamps: 1905 5/- Arms (SG.45), fine mounted mint, hinge remain. Cat.£48.00. £18
WELGELEGEN, Orange River Colony postmark 30mm purple TRD dated 22 DEC 1902 on ovp'd CGH 1d (SG.134). £40
VANSTADENSRUST, Orange River Colony postmark dated 27 AUG 41 on vertical bilingual pair 5/- Ox-wagen (SG.64, Cat.£75.00). £30
JH. (used Johannesburg), Transvaal postmark unrecorded purple ink parcel canceller with "2" at base on vertical bilingual pair Perf.14 x 13½ 1930 1/- Wildebeest (SG.36a, Cat.£90.00). Putzel unrecorded (similar type J.H. with "2" at base recorded) £48
KRUGERSDORP, Transvaal postmark on CGH stamps interprovincial use 26 AUG 11 on block of four CGH KE7 3d (SG.74), minor toning. £12
S.S. ROSALIND paquebot cancel on Bahamas stamp in blue on 1921 1d Staircase (SG.111). £14
JEPPE/STR. J.H., Transvaal postmark purple parcel canceller with "3" at base on bilingual pair 1939 1/- Wildebeest (SG.62), toned perfs. Putzel unrecorded £18
MABUM, Sierra Leone postmark (092.01) */SP 7 29 on KGV 2d (SG.134) piece. £40
ROKEL, Sierra Leone postmark (133.01) */AU 30 28 on 4 x KGV 1d (SG.132a) piece, some brownish marks. Rare office. £75
ST. GEORGES, Grenada postmark C/SP 27 00 on QV 2d mauve & brown (SG.50). £16