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VIRGIN ISLANDS stamps: 1867 1/- black & rose-carmine greyish paper (SG.20), unused without gum showing extended frame at base from sheet position 19. £750.00. Robson Lowe encyclopaedia Page 169 considers the sheets perforated outside the border to be an experimental printing limited to 25 to 50 sheets. All examples being rare. £185
GRENADA stamps: 1938 KG6 10/- steel blue & carmine (SG.163), mounted mint, brown gum. Cat.£55.00. £20
ANTIGUA stamps: 1882 QV 2½d red-brown CA wmk P.14 (SG.22), fine used pmk'd A/DE 2 87. Cat.£55.00. £28
30, Orange River Colony postal history on KE7 1d PSE with added V.R.I. 2d (SG.114) to Germany, b/stamped DEWETSDORP 19 NO 04. £65
POA 95, Natal postal history: tying QV 1d (SG.99a) on cover to Ormesby, Norfolk, b/stamped LADYSMITH C/5 JY 00 d/ring and Great Yarmouth JY 28 00 cds. £120
18, TOBAGO rural postmark boxed type of the 14, 15, 16 Tobago rural numeral series on Trinidad 1904 1d Britannia (SG.134). Only two excellent and two poor strikes known. Numeral figures being 8mm high, not to be confused with the Trinidad Type 0.4 "18" used Princes Town which has numeral figures 7mm high. £350
12 used RIVIERE SECHE, Mauritius postmark on QV 4c orange CC wmk (SG.93). £10
NONGOMA, Zululand postmark (Z.7) in purple dated JUN 7 189(8) on Natal QV ½d x 2, 2d (SG.97a, 106) piece. £60
INGWAVUMA, Zululand postmark (Z.7) in purple dated 18 JAN 1898 on pair Natal QV 1d (SG.99a), some toned perfs. £75
ROADSIDE, Orange River Colony postmark on Transvaal stamp interprovincial use 6 FEB 13 on Transvaal KE7 1d (SG.261). £14
PARIJS, Orange Free State postmark FE 24 99 on block of four 1d purple (SG.68), reverse toning and some lower central perf. splitting. £16
JAMAICA stamps: 1885 QV 2d grey CA wmk (SG.20a), good mounted mint, hinge remain. Cat.£65.00. £20
JAMAICA stamps: 1907 5d Arms MCA wmk (SG.43), good mounted mint, hinge remain, small red dealers h/stamp reverse. Cat.£60.00. £15