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Zululand correspondence (November 27, 1905 mentions Poll Tax leading to the BAMBATHA REBELLION
Fred Boyce letter written Mangeni mentions "how pleased I will be to get the photos. I should like one of your Ian in uniform. The property on which we hold 4 claims each has been taken over by a developing syndicate. They intend going down 200 ft and if the reef is as good at that depth as it is at the surface they will float at once. The Poll Tax here has caused great dissatisfaction among all classes. The natives here have refused to pay. There may be trouble when the tax is collected (or tried to be collected rather). The natives have lost all confidence in the Govt which is rotten. Getting ready for a prospecting trip. Pegging off is the order of the day now in Zululand. Copper is all the rage".
8th letter correspondences of Fred Boyce and Lorraine Wilson Boyce JU 10 1905 - DE 11 1907 (none have outer covers).

Zululand correspondence (August 22, 1905)
Fred Boyce letter on MINNESOTA MILL EXTRA STRONG wmk'd paper mentions "There is a bit of a boom on in Zululand Gold Fields just at present. All the Johannesburg speculators seem to have had a “down” on poor old Zululand, but now they seem to be taking an interest. I have now 3 medals and 5 bars. I have fought through four wars since I came here; been in some very tight corners. I lost nearly every head of cattle I had by xxxx pest, and now we are threatened by a new plague called East Grass fever which is most deadly".
5th letter correspondences of Fred Boyce and Lorraine Wilson Boyce JU 10 1905 - DE 11 1907 (none have outer covers).

178 used MARENGO, New South Wales postal history
cover with 2 x QV 2d to Hobart, Tasmania dated OC 13 1904 with handstruck "TOO-LATE".

5 used ST. JOHN, Barbados postmark
bootheel on (1d) blue no wmk (SG.23).

NONGOMA, Zululand postmark
(Z.7) in purple dated JAN 11 189(8) on QV 1d (SG.21).

MOYAMBA TELS., Sierra Leone postmark
(117MT) */6 JY 54 on KG6 1½d (SG.190a).

BAIIMA, Sierra Leone postmark
(004.01) MAY 19 13 on pair KGV 1d (SG.113).

KAMBIA, Sierra Leone postmark
(062.01) A/25 SP 01 on QV 1d (SG.42).

GODERICH, Sierra Leone postmark
(048.02) */OC 16 34 on KGV 1d Slavery (SG.169), brown frontal marks top right corner perfs.

CONGO X RDS., Sierra Leone postmark
(028.01) */13 JA 54 on KG6 1½d (SG.190a).

REGENT, Sierra Leone postmark
(131.02) */NO 24 21 on KGV 1d (SG.113b), perf. faults.
Exceptionally rare, only 4 examples known by me.

MASTIC POINT, Bahamas postmark
(T 7 I) 6 OCT 10 on horiz. pair KE7 ½d MCA wmk (SG.71).

LONG BAY CAYS, Bahamas postmark
(T 7 I, D4) 12 MAR 30 on 5d Tercen (SG.128) piece.

GLENCOE JUNCTION, Natal postmark on Transvaal stamps:
(M.2) interprovincial use A/JA 29 12 on pair Transvaal KE7 1d (SG.274).

BARBADOS stamps:
Litho forgery of the 1863 5/- Britannia (SG.64) with Crown CC sideways wmk, unused without gum.

SAN FERNANDO M.O.O., Trinidad postmark
Money Order Office dated MR 31 1897 on 5d (SG.119).

RUM CAY, Bahamas postmark
(T.1) C/DE 31 87 on QV 1d (SG.47).

BEHRING POINT, Bahamas postmark
(T.7) 3 JAN 27 on KGV 1d (SG.116).

LONG CAY, Bahamas postmark
(T.7 I, D4) 30 JUN 31 tying KGV 1d (SG.116) on large piece local cover front.

23/12/89, Antigua postmark
village manuscript date written in a bold style on QV 1d carmine-red CA wmk (SG.25 overstruck partial ANTIGUA cds at St. Johns.
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