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ADDINGTON, Natal postmark
(M.1) MR 8 02 on QV 1d (SG.99a).

UPPER TUGELA, Natal postmark
(M.2) C/2 JU 1902 on QV 1d (SG.99a).

UMBILO, Natal postmark
(N) P/FE 15 88 on QV 6d (SG.103).

(M.1) 9 NO 88 on QV ½d (SG.97a), very rare office.

UMKOMAS, Natal postmark
(N) part dated -0 1 90 on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.102).

MAHAICA, British Guiana postmark
(T.1a) dated DE 25 77 (ERD) being exceptional use of extended village datestamp on re-introduced (or missing OFFICIAL overprint) 1871 8c pink Perf.10 Waterlow ship issue (SG.95), vertical crease.
The DLR 8c rose CC wmk (SG.130) delivered to Georgetown 3rd April 1876 and on sale thereafter. In March 1875 5,000 Waterlow 8c pink P.10 ovp'd "OFFICIAL" (SG.03) despatched by the Crown Agents, London (see T+H Page 166).

OR code used OLD ROAD, St. Kitts postmark
dated OR/AU 23 05 on ½d (SG.1), thinned lower right corner area, rare on early St. Kitts issues (normally found on Leewards).

BLUFF, Bahamas postmark
(D2) 13 AUG 18 (ERD) on KGV 1d (SG.82), very rare office.

INDWE, Cape of Good Hope postmark
(CDS) AP 24 98 on ½d (SG.61).

SPARTA, British Guiana postmark
(T.5a) 16 MY 89 on 2c orange CA wmk (SG.171).

AURORA, British Guiana postmark
(T.2) JUL 9 1879 on 1c CC wmk (SG.126), brownish mark top right.

MANO, Sierra Leone postmark
(106.03) C/MY 29 14 on KE7 2½d (SG.103). This instrument rare on KE7 issues.

MO-PALMA, Sierra Leone postmark
(115.02) reversed C/MY 16 14 on KE7 6d (SG.107). This datestamp rare on KE7 issues.

YORK-CASTLE, Jamaica postmark
(SQC) A/NO 3 93 on QV 1d (SG.27), stamp soiled or dull appearance.

THE CURRENT, Bahamas stamps
(T.7 I) 24 SEP 10 (ERD) on KE7 1d (SG.72).

A79, Jamaica postmark
Type J on QV 4d CC wmk (SG.11a), very rare on this issue.

(Putzel 481) in purple dated 25 JAN 1932 on pair South Africa 4d (SG.46c).

EMBEKELWENI, Swaziland postmark
(D2) 15 AP 93 on Transvaal ovp'd 1/- (SG.3), thinned.

718 used EMBEKELWENI, Swaziland postmark
on Transvaal ovp'd 6d (SG.6), corner perf. fault.

CLEVELAND (two types), Transvaal postal history
(D/R) both small and large each dated 16 SEP 04 on KE7 ½d x 3, 1d, 4d reg. cover to Hobart, Tasmania.
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