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BAUYA, Sierra Leone postmark (011.02) */DE 9 27 on KGV 1½d (SG.133), toning. £14
GERIHUN, Sierra Leone postmark (045.01) */JA 10 27 on KGV 1d, 3 x 1½d (SG.231,133) piece. £24
COMMENDI, Sierra Leone postmark (027.01) */SP 14 27 on KGV 1½d (SG.133). £20
APPAM, Gold Coast postmark (T.2, larger letters) in red ink dated "OC 80" only on QV 1d blue CC wmk (SG.5). £60
ADA, Gold Coast postmark (T.5, no side dots) SP 22 93 on QV 6d (SG.17), tiny thin. £8
LATE, Sierra Leone postmark (710.01, 17x5mm) on QV 2½d CA wmk (SG.31) lightly dated SP 19 91. £20
POSTAGE DUE./CENTS. with T.P.O. DEMERARA, British Guiana postmarks (PD.1) with T.P.O. DEMERARA (T.7) dated NO 2 1896 on 2c (SG.234), some clipped perfs., rarely seen. Use on cover would determine whether some supplies of these 2c were pre-cancelled at Head
Office so as to be used as Postage Dues
POSTAGE DUE./CENTS. with MAHAICA, British Guiana postmarks (PD 1) with large part d/ring showing last "A" of MAHAICA dated 8 AP 97 on 2c (SG.234), rarely seen. Use on cover would determine whether some supplies of these 2c were pre-cancelled at Head
Office so as to be used as Postage Dues
NQUTU, Natal postmark (M.2) MR 16 1903 on horiz. pair KE7 1/- (SG.136), some perf. splitting and creased etc. £30
K3a "15", Bermuda postmark on QV 2d dull blue CC wmk (SG.3), insignificant corner crease. £75
K1 "7", Bermuda postmark on QV 3d yellow-buff CC wmk (SG.5). £85
10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on BLUED PAPER 1870 (1d) blue large star wmk (SG.44a, Cat.£120). Currently the first recorded Parish bootheel recorded by me on the blued paper issue £80
K3a "9", Bermuda postmark complete duplex showing positioning of cds dated A/MR 22 89 on horiz. pair QV ½d stone (SG.19) piece. K3a “9” remained in use as late as June 1889, but it is the only one of the K3a series so far reported as having been used after December 31st 1888 (Ludington P.130).
PENDEMBU, Sierra Leone postmark (124.01) A/12 JY 23 on KGV 3d (SG.136) on piece with hand-struck PENDEMBU reg. h/stamp. £15
COMMENDI, Sierra Leone postmark (027.01) */OC 21 29 on KGV 1d (SG.132). £25
NEW ENGLAND skeleton postmark, Sierra Leone postal history (119.02) dated 1 OC 46 on reg. locally addressed FDC with KG6 1½d and 3d Victory. The reversed "E" in SIERRA now corrected £40
BAOMA, Sierra Leone postmark (008.01) */AP 15 30 on KGV 1d (SG.132a). £48
G.R. SYNKRASI, Cyprus postal history (T.28) on KG6 1½pi local cover, reverse Famagusta, Trikomo, Nicosia 1 FE 46 cds. Mixed village, population 277 in 1960 £75
SALONIKA mailbag postmark on British Levant stamp tying 1909 30 PARAS on GB ovp'd KE7 1½d (SG.16) on 26 OKT (12) cover to Athens. £625