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KENEMA, Sierra Leone skeleton postmark
(072.05) dated 3 NO 56 on QE2 ½d x 2, 6d, 1/- (SG.210,216,217) piece with "KENEMA" blue reg. label.

MATTRU, Sierra Leone postal history
(112.02) */20 DE 54 tying KG6 1/3d added QE2 4d PSRE, standard blue "Mattru" printed reg. label.

MATTRU, Sierra Leone postal history
(112.03) */28 OC 58 on QE2 2d, 1/3d added QE2 4d PSRE, standard blue "MATTRU" printed reg. label.

BOIA, Sierra Leone postmark
(011.01) C/MR 2 12 (ERD) on KE7 1d (SG.100), extremely rare on KE7 issues.

HARRINGTON-SOUND, Bermuda postmark
A/NO 17 1897/A on QV ½d (SG.21a).

WILBERFORCE, Sierra Leone postmark
(158.03) C/NO 3 32 on KGV 2d (SG.158).

K3a "8", Bermuda postmark
on 1873 QV 3d yellow-buff CC wmk P.14 (SG.5).

APPAM, Gold Coast postmark
(T.2, larger letters with wide M) A/OC 29 91 on QV 6d (SG.17).

ADDAH, Gold Coast postmark
(Re-introduced T.2) C/OC 9 9 on KE7 2d (SG.61).

K2 "B/1", Bermuda postmark
on QV 6d dull purple CC wmk (SG.6) over some light manuscript letters.

J.G.R. ACCOUNTING BRANCH, Jamaica railway postal history
purple departmental dated JUL 28 19(33) on reverse OHMS reg. cover to Kingston.

ANCHOR-IN-DOTS French maritime postmark on Jamaica stamp
on QV 1/- CC wmk (SG.13), seldom seen.

AKROPONG, Gold Coast postmark
(T.5) scarce B/29 MY 5 on KE7 1/- (SG.44), partial perfin., lower left corner perf. fault.

KASSE, Sierra Leone postmark
(069.01) */JY 5 09 on KE7 ½d (SG.99).
Illustrated Page 50 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry.

AXIM, Gold Coast postmark
(T.2) in red dated C/JY 31 89 on QV ½d (SG.11a).

"Presidente Gon(salves?)" maritime postmark on Jamaica stamp
in purple ink with black PAQUEBOT on 1d Falls (SG.31). Not previously seen.

KAMAKWIE, Sierra Leone postmark
(061.01) */23 JY 55 on 5 x KG6 2d (SG.191a) piece.

KPONG, Gold Coast postmark
(T.5) C/JY 15 96 on QV ½d (SG.11a).

KAYIMA, Sierra Leone postal history
(071.01) */24 NO 55 tying KG6 1/3d (SG.196a) on QE2 4d PSRE to Kilmarnock, blue reg. label with m/script "KAYIMA", some damp stains.

DANOE, Gold Coast postmark
(T.5) AUG 27 2 on KE7 1d (SG.39).
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