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GBANGBAIA, Sierra Leone postmark
(039.01) */NO 5 40 on KG6 3d (SG.192).

GBANGBAIA, Sierra Leone postmark
(039.01) */11 SP 47 on KG6 ½d (SG.188).

BAOMA, Sierra Leone postmark
(008.01) */28 AP 5 (5 for year only) on KG6 2d (SG.191a), minor toning.
Illustrated Page 4 of "The Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 Second Edition" by Walton, Quirk, Hamilton, Horry.

SHENGE, Sierra Leone postal history
(145.07) */17 SP 54 on KG6 4d, 1/3d cover to Kilmarnock, boxed h/struck reg. h/stamp.

MANGE, Sierra Leone postmark
(105.03) */JA 3 2(5?) on 2 x KGV 1d (SG.132) added PSRE piece, blue reg. label, toning.

TRANSVAAL T.P.O. SOUTH 9 railway postmark
30 JUN 24 on SA KGV ½d, 1½d piece.

TRANSVAAL T.P.O. NORTH 7 railway postmark
3 OCT 47 on SA 1½d piece.

TRANSVAAL T.P.O. NORTH 9 railway postmark
2 OCT 47 on SA ½d, 1d piece.

VON BRANDIS, Transvaal postmark
(D/R) 17 DEC 12 on KE7 2/- (SG.268).

HILLARY, Natal postal history
(M.4.1 with Hillarys "S" excised) arrival in purplish ink dated AU 18 09 on b/w ppc of "Robinson's Mine" mailed with KE7 ½d at Durban.

RAYTON, Transvaal postal history
dated 29 SEP 05 on block of four KE7 1d cover to Hobart, Tasmania, printed "Diamond Mining Co." flap, some soiling.

CAPE TOWN "1", Cape of Good Hope postal history
German Consulate IN KAPSTADT sender's cachet on reverse Transvaal KE7 1d UPU Post Card pmk'd 24 APR 14.

ROKUPR, Sierra Leone postal history
(135.02) AU 1 39 tying KG6 2d (SG.191) added KG6 3d PSRE to Old Hill, England, boxed handstruck reg. h/stamp.

DENVER, Transvaal postal history
26 FEB 1917 tying pair SA KGV 2½d on cover, opened 3 sides, to Edinburgh, h/struck DENVER reg. h/stamp.
Handstruck DENVER h/stamp Putzel unrecorded

FORDSBURG, Transvaal postal history
3 SEP 04 tying KE7 ½d, 6d on reg. cover to Tasmania, some soiling.

OTTAWA, Natal postmark
previously unseen type on QV 6d Crown CA (SG.103).
Putzel unrecorded

DEVON, Transvaal postmark
26 MAY 20 on vertically bisected SA KGV 1d piece.

73, Orange River Colony postmark on Transvaal stamp
interprovincial use on KE7 1d (SG.274).

96, Orange River Colony postmark
on KE7 1d (SG.149).

HAENERTSBURG, Transvaal postal history
18 APR 05 on KE7 1d PSE to Pietersburg, reverse very fine sender's cachet.
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