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MALIPS DRIFT, Transvaal postal history
23 DEC 1926 on South Africa KGV 1½d PSE with added KGV ½d to Alnwick re-addressed Carlisle, some soiling.

LINOKANA, Transvaal postmark
8 APR 1911 on 2d Postage Due (SG.D3).

ROTIFUNK, Sierra Leone postmark
(138.02) C/SP 7 12 on KE7 ½d (SG.99), rare on KE7 issues.

YPSONA, Cyprus postmark
(T.26) on KG6 1pi (SG.154).

G.R. YEROSHIPPOU, Cyprus postmark
(T.26) on 1906 KE7 10pa Crown CA wmk (SG.61), toning.

SULIMA, Sierra Leone postmark
(146.04) on KGV 4d (SG.160).

RUSSELL, Sierra Leone postmark
(139.03) */MY 31 34 on 1d Slavery (SG.169), perf. defect/thin area at top.

SUMBUYA, Sierra Leone postmark
(147.01) A/JU 21 20 on KGV 1½d (SG.114a).

LUNGI, Sierra Leone postal history
(088.03) */23 JA 60 tying QE2 3d (SG.214) on stationery "No.16" cover locally to New England.

WATERLOO, Sierra Leone postmark
(156.02) C/JA 16 22 on KGV 1d, pair KGV 2d piece, handstruck WATERLOO reg. handstamp.

WATERLOO, Sierra Leone postmark
(156.02) C/MY 15 22 on KGV 1d, pair KGV 2d piece, handstruck WATERLOO reg. handstamp.

WATERLOO, Sierra Leone postmark
(156.02) C/SP 11 22 on KGV 1d x 2, KG6 3d (SG.116ba) piece, handstruck WATERLOO reg. handstamp.

WATERLOO, Sierra Leone postmark
(156.02) C/OC 9 23 on KGV 5d piece, cut out and pasted handstruck WATERLOO reg. handstamp alongside.

WATERLOO, Sierra Leone postmark
(156.02) C/SP 9 24 on KGV 1d x 2 (SG.132) on PSRE piece, handstruck WATERLOO reg. handstamp.

25 used ROSE HILL, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CA wmk (SG.104).

34 used RIVIERE DES ANGUILLES, Mauritius postmark
on QV 4c orange CA wmk (SG.104).

LIGNUM VITAE CAY, Bahamas postmark
(T.7, D3) 29 DEC 37 on 2/- (SG.131, Cat.£30), rare office.

G.R. ANAPHOTIA, Cyprus postmark
(T.28) on KG6 1pi (SG.154).

FREETOWN-BO T.P.O., Sierra Leone postmark
(202.03) */26 JA 49 on KG6 1½d RSW (SG.203), blunt corner perf.

ROTIFUNK, Sierra Leone postmark
(138.02) C/OC 13 19 on KGV 3d (SG.116b).
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