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46 used HERMANNSBURG, Natal postmark (T.I1) on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.102). £12
K1 "2", Bermuda postmark on 1874 QV 6d dull mauve CC wmk (SG.7). £15
K1 "2", Bermuda postmark on 1873 QV 3d yellow-buff CC wmk P.14 (SG.5). £24
K1 "2" re-issued to Pembroke West(?), Bermuda postmark circa 1895 use on QV 1d aniline carmine (SG.24a). £200
Vertical A10 used GEORGETOWN, St. Vincent postmark newly discovered combination (not known to Vincent Duggleby) of full large part black vertical "A10" (presumed PML.5) overstruck black horiz. "A10" (PML.4) at Kingstown on QV 1d black clean perfs upright star wmk (SG.18). One of only two confirmed village recorded examples. PML.4 oval A10 as used Kingstown recorded in black DE 12 72 to JU 26 75. Jaffe mixed lot contained combination red "CA" JA 17 73 and black vertical A10 (PML.5 used Georgetown). Earliest red "G" recorded JA 25 73. PML.5 in black had apparent short life at Georgetown period DE 2 72 to prior JA 25 73. £225
A10 used GEORGETOWN, St. Vincent postmark newly discovered combination (not known to Vincent Duggleby) of full black vertical "A10" (presumed PML.5) overstruck black horiz. "A10" (PML.4) at Kingstown on QV 1d black clean perfs sideways star wmk (SG.18). One of two recorded examples. PML.4 Kingstown A10 recorded in black DE 12 72 to JU 26 75. Jaffe mixed lot contained combination red "CA" JA 17 73 and black vertical A10 (PML.5 used Georgetown), earliest red "G" recorded JA 25 73. PML.5 in black had apparent short life period DE 2 72 to prior JA 25 73. £225
G06 used BEYROUT, GB used abroad postmark (SG.Z24, Cat.£170) on 1867 GB QV 10d red-brown, smaller thin at centre top, blunt perfs top left. £48
LODGE, British Guiana skeleton postmark (T.31) 11 NO 49 on 3c (SG.290). £30
HOPE, Jamaica postmark (TRD 13 without stop) part dated --.6.06 on 1d Arms (SG.39). £25
HOPE., Jamaica postmark (TRD 13 with stop) part dated --.5.06 on 1d Arms (SG.39). £24
10 used ST. PETER, Barbados postmark (C2) bootheel on 1861 6d rose-red (SG.29), pale colour, rare on this. £40
KWITTA, Gold Coast postmark (T.5) NO 2 99 (0 changed 9 in m/script) on QV 4d (SG.16a). £20
WATERLOO, Sierra Leone postmark (156.02) rare B/NO 2 08 on KE7 1d (SG.100). The only other two currently recorded examples dated B/AU 8 08 and B/NO 14 08 £48
TAUNGS STATION C.G.H., Bechuanaland postmark on Transvaal stamp (CDS) 11 MR 14 on Transvaal KE7 1d (SG.274). £20
SALT POND, Gold Coast postmark (T.5) MY 5 95 on QV 2/- (SG.19a). £14
SUVA, Fiji postmark on combination piece dated 29 SEP 09 on Fiji KE7 1d, 2d x 2, 4d and New Zealand 1d piece, stained perfs. £12
MALIPS DRIFT, Transvaal postal history 23 DEC 1926 on South Africa KGV 1½d PSE with added KGV ½d to Alnwick re-addressed Carlisle, some soiling. £20
LINOKANA, Transvaal postmark 8 APR 1911 on 2d Postage Due (SG.D3). £10
ROTIFUNK, Sierra Leone postmark (138.02) C/SP 7 12 on KE7 ½d (SG.99), rare on KE7 issues. £18