BERMUDA stamps: 1903 QV 6d bright mauve P.14½ x 12 (SG.10a), fine used block of four pmk'd HAMILTON 18 (F)E 1904/A. £85
T.? forgery, Trinidad postmark (Type 0.9) squatter and without duplex cds portion at left on 1/- (SG.154). £5
723 used SOUTHAMPTON on St. Vincent stamp applied on arrival being "loose mail" carried in the captain's bag placed in the post office on the first port of call on QV 1d rose-red (SG.5). £18
KARAGODA-UYANGODA, Ceylon postmark (D2) 4 SE 39 on KG6 6c, blunt corner perf. £12
BAMUNA KOTUWA, Ceylon postmark (D2) 4 AU 48 on KG6 15c £15
BADDEGAMA M.O. & S.B., Ceylon postmark (R3) 26 AP 40 on KG6 15c £4
VIRGINIA, Orange River Colony postmark (D/R) 19 JUN 35 on South Africa KGV 1d S. Jub (SG.66). £9
WARDEN, Orange River Colony postmark (D/R) 7 MAY 35 on South Africa KGV 1d S. Jub (SG.66). £12
A 9 (A79H missing 7) used MOUNT CHARLES, Jamaica postmark newly discovered QV 2d deep rose Crown CC INVERTED wmk (SG.9aw), currently unique. Damaged at Richmond sometime between FE 2 1866 and AU 7 1866; temporarily allocated to Mount Charles post office opened during Sept 1874 £175
COURT/KUMASI/CANCELLED, Gold Coast fiscal postmark on QV 3d (SG.15a). £9
NKANDHLA, ZULULAND postal history (Z.9) 17 OC 00 on Natal QV 1d (SG.9a) to London, minor perf. toning. £165
TATI., Bechauanaland postmark SP 13 89 on QV 6d on 6d (SG.45), very rare. £425
YIALOUSA, Cyprus postmark (T.2) A/2 AU 23 on KGV 2½pi (SG.109). £16
ZAKAKI, Cyprus postmark (T.31B) on KG6 1pi piece. £12
ROTIFUNK, Sierra Leone postal history (138.05) */7 MR 60 on QE2 2d x 2, 6d, 1/- cover to Leicester, blue "Rotifunk" reg. label. £65
ROTIFUNK, Sierra Leone postmark (138.05) */7 AU 62 on QE2 1/- (SG.217). £18
V.R. MYRTON, Cyprus postmark (T.21) dated "18-9-06" incorporated within handstamp on 1904 KE7 30pa (SG.63). £50