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JIMMI, Sierra Leone postmark
(056.01) */MY 14 27 on horiz. strip of three KGV ½d (SG.131).

BLAMA, Sierra Leone postmark
(015.02) C/JA 25 28 on horiz. pair KGV ½d (SG.131) piece, some toning.

PUJEHUN, Sierra Leone postmark
(129.01) */JY 9 27 on KGV ½d (SG.131).

RORUKS, Sierra Leone postmark
(137.01) C/SP 7 16 on KGV ½d (SG.112).

MANO, Sierra Leone postmark
(106.03) C/AP 2 25 on KGV ½d (SG.131a).

KABALLA, Sierra Leone postmark
(057.02) C/-- NO 27 (day not inserted, probably no second 27 slug available) on KGV ½d x 2, 1d (SG.131a,132a) piece.

MAKENE, Sierra Leone postmark
(099.01) */JY 10 18 on KGV ½d (SG.112a).

GARRISON MAIL, Sierra Leone postmark
(320.01) FE 12 13 on vertical pair KGV ½d (SG.112) piece, some harsher toning.

KABALLA, Sierra Leone postmark
(057.02) C/OC 31 18 on KGV ½d (SG.112a).

PORT LOKKO, Sierra Leone postmark
(126.02) C/OC 30 33 on ½d Slavery (SG.168).

617 used HAYES, Jamaica postmark
on QV 4d CA wmk (SG.22b), perf. toning at top, rare on this.

617 used HAYES, Jamaica postmark
on QV 2d Keyplate (SG.28).

SOUTHAMPTON FRANCE MB (movable box) postmark
(Rob. MB2) dated 9 20 85 on France 25c.

LONDON M.B (movable box) postmark on Sierra Leone stamp
(Robertson M.B.4) dated JU 23 ?? on 1905 KE7 1d (SG.91), slight vertical crease.
New Walton handbook illustrated, recorded period 1895-1900 usually on French adhesives

FREETOWN-PENDEMBU T.P.O., Sierra Leone postmark
(205.01) B/5 OC 57 on QE2 1/3d (SG.218).

YONIBANA, Sierra Leone skeleton postmark
(162.03) */7 FE 55 on KG6 2d (SG.191a), small 2½mm tear at right.

201.02) */JU 24 21 on KGV 2d (SG.115).

SEGBWEMA, Sierra Leone postmark
(141.03) */JU 23 37 on KG6 1d Coro (SG.185).

SERABU, Sierra Leone postmark
(144.03) dated 1 AU 52 (inverted "L" for "1") on KG6 1½d (SG.190a).

COMMENDI, Sierra Leone postmark
(027.01) */NO 2 32 on KGV 2d (SG.158).
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